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New York, New York

Slocum Memorial Fountain

Monument to a forgotten NYC disaster that claimed the lives of 1,000.
New York, New York

The Jane Hotel

This historic building housed the surviving crew members of the Titanic, who were left destitute after the wreck.
New York, New York

Number One, Broadway

Currently housing a corporate bank branch this building at the southern tip of Manhattan was once the gateway to luxury vacationing.
New York, New York

Second Cemetery of the Congregation Shearith Israel

New York's unstoppable progress turned this cemetery into the smallest burial ground in the city.
New York, New York

Graybar Rats

Rat sculptures try to infiltrate the Graybar Building in an architectural tribute to New York City's nautical history.
New York, New York

Relics of the IRT 14th Street-Union Square Subway Local Platform

Red frames showcase remnants of one of New York's original subway stations.
New York, New York

Model Ship Collection at the South Street Seaport Museum

Set sail on a small scale.
New York, New York

The Remnants of Tin Pan Alley

The one-time epicenter of American songwriting is now a little remembered Manhattan commercial block.
New York, New York

Israel Miller's 'Show Folks Shoe Shop' Building

Amid the marketing blitz of modern Times Square is an elegant holdover from its showbiz glory days.
New York, New York

New York Herald Monument

There are owls with glowing eyes in Herald Square.
New York, New York

Site of New York Slave Market

Where now stands a 42-story condominium tower of marble, glass and steel was once the central market of New York’s slave trade.
New York, New York

Rose Hill Historic House

The origins of midtown Manhattan's anachronistic wooden farmhouse remain a mystery.
New York, New York

Broadway Flea Market

An annual extravaganza of Broadway theater memorabilia.
New York, New York

Spotlight on Broadway Map

The 28-foot granite map plots the locations of 40 theaters in New York City.
New York, New York

The Weathermen Townhouse Explosion

A strangely angled West Village home is the only monument to an explosion that took the lives of three American revolutionaries.
New York, New York

Statue of Liberty's Original Torch

Lady Liberty's first beacon of enlightenment is now displayed in a museum near the statue.
New York, New York

First Shearith Israel Graveyard

Revolutionary War casualties fill the only 17th century structure remaining in Manhattan.
New York, New York

Delmonico's Pompeii Columns

Possible relics of the ancient Roman city are hidden in this restaurant's façade.
New York, New York

The American Merchant Mariner's Memorial

Twice a day one of these tragic bronze mariners drowns with the tide to remember all those the sea has taken.
New York, New York

Grand Central Ceiling Dark Patch

A dark patch of the ceiling at Grand Central Terminal which was not restored is still stained brown by tobacco.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
New York, New York

The Oldest Fence in New York

Built hundreds of years ago this downtown iron barrier once protected a much despised king.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

The Players

A posh members-only club with a literally dramatic history.