dnisbet's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Santa Clara, California

Intel Museum

The headquarters of the semiconductor giant has a 10,000-square-foot museum.
Los Altos, California

The Apple Garage

The garage at the childhood home of Steve Jobs was a hangout for the founders of Apple, even if they never built computers there.
Palo Alto, California

Birthplace of Silicon Valley

A humble garage, world-famous for being the epicenter of a technology revolution.
San Francisco, California

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Inside this museum, the history of the Walt Disney Family empire is on full display.
San Francisco, California

Internet Archive Headquarters

The grand, column-fronted, sculpture-adorned home of the ambitious digital library.
San Francisco, California

Encryption Lava Lamps

The randomness of this wall of lava lamps helps encrypt up to 10 percent of the internet.
San Francisco, California

Camera Obscura & Holograph Collection

A walk-in working camera obscura produces 360-degree live images of the San Francisco coast.
San Jose, California

IBM Building 025

A lonely monument to the original Silicon Valley tech campus.
San Jose, California

The Center of Santa Clara Valley

A mysterious monument covered in a binary code marks the heart of tech.
San Jose, California


San Francisco Bay's ghost town.