emmajosso22's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Himeji, Japan

Kokoen Garden

Nine Gardens in one—with tea service.
Kyoto, Japan


1,001 carved statues of the Buddhist God of Mercy, each with a unique face.
Kyoto, Japan

Nishiki Market

This 700-year-old street food market features baby octopus and soy donuts.
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

The 10,000 Torii shrine.
Namerikawa, Japan

The Firefly Squid of Toyama Bay

Bioluminescent firefly squid light up this Japanese fishing port.
Valparaiso, Chile

Iglesia de San Francisco

This iconic hilltop church doubled as a lighthouse in the 19th century, guiding ships into the port of Valparaíso.
Castro, Chile

Churches of Chiloé

Spanish religion mixed with local architecture has yielded a network of churches unlike any other.
Valparaiso, Chile

La Sebastiana

Pivotal home of Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda.
Santiago, Chile

National Astronomical Observatory of Chile

This observatory high on a hilltop in the center of Santiago got its start in 1852.
Santiago, Chile

Museum of Memory and Human Rights

A museum founded to reflect on and remember the human rights abuses under Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Lota, Chile

The Devil's Blast

The hellish conditions of this abandoned mine that snakes beneath the Pacific Ocean gave it its diabolic name.
Campamento Geotermico Corfo, Chile

El Tatio Geysers

The largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere is a spectacular sight.
Juan Fernández, Chile

Robinson Crusoe Island

Named for the DeFoe novel inspired by a stranded sailor, this island is known for its rare plants and extreme beauty.
Sewell, Chile

Sewell Ghost Town

The “City of Stairs” sits high in the Andes, above the world’s largest underground copper mine.
Santiago, Chile

Parque Quinta Normal Greenhouse

A beautiful deserted greenhouse in the middle of a park.
Rapa Nui, Chile


This was once the center of the Birdman cult, and is now a World Heritage Site.
Algarrobo, Chile

World's Largest Swimming Pool

A record-breaking pool that uses computers to turn ocean water into cleaner, private swimming water.
Villarrica, Chile

Caves of the Villarrica Volcano

One of Chile's most active volcanoes is riddled with beautiful caves.
Valparaiso, Chile

Elevators of Valparaiso

What was once a unique system of urban elevators is turning into a mechanical ruin.

Hand of the Desert

A sculpture of a giant hand reaches for the stars in the middle of the Atacama desert.
Panguipulli, Chile

Termas Geometricas

This Japanese-inspired labyrinth of hot springs is hidden in a Chilean forest.
Rapa Nui, Chile

"El Gigante" and the Moai of Rapa Nui

The largest stone moai on Rapa Nui.
Panguipulli, Chile

Montaña Mágica Lodge

This odd Chilean waterfall-cano hotel must be entered via a rope bridge.
Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile

Marble Caves of Chile Chico

Mother Nature outdoes herself with this stunningly beautiful set of caves carved into marble.