missymuses's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Broken Hill, Australia
Places visited in Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt
Places visited in Williamstown, Australia
Places visited in Canberra, Australia
Places visited in Zaandam, Netherlands
Places visited in Haarlem, Netherlands
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London, England

Giro the Dog's Grave

The final resting place of a German diplomat's beloved companion.
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Atlantic City's First Slot Machine

Amazingly, this old machine within the Resorts Casino still functions.
Oxford, England

Martyr's Mark

The spot where three Protestant clergymen were burned at the stake during the reign of "Bloody Mary."
Wadi Rum Village, Jordan

Wadi Rum

Known as the "Valley of the Moon," this Jordanian wadi is one of the most amazing desertscapes on Earth.
Stockholm, Sweden

Last Home of Descartes

A plaque marks the house in Stockholm where the French philosopher René Descartes lived up until his death.
London, England

'An Allegory of Man'

This mysterious and unique painting is filled with symbolism.
Icod de los Vinos, Spain

Drago Milenario

This local emblem is the oldest and largest dragon tree in the Canary Islands.
Leiden, Netherlands


A striking memorial to the Jews of Leiden who were murdered during World War II is scattered throughout the city.
Paris, France

Musée du quai Branly (Quai Branly Museum)

This Parisian gem is one of the most incredible ethnographic museums in the world.
London, England

Mold Gold Cape

This intriguing Bronze Age artifact spent centuries hidden within a Welsh faerie hill.
London, England

The Charterhouse Black Death Skeleton

This historic building displays the remains of a victim of the devastating 14th-century plague.
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Big Bunch of Bananas

Roadside display for a popular fruit and vegetable stand.
Melbourne, Australia

Cow Up a Tree

This piece of Australian modern art is part joke and part history.
Bristol, England

Lollipop Be-Bop

A plaque claims this artwork outside a children's hospital was used in the 1998 Quidditch World Cup.
Bristol, England

Vale Street

England's steepest street has such a drastic incline that locals tie their parked cars to lampposts when it gets icy.
Windsor, England

Queen Charlotte Street

At just 51 feet and 10 inches long, it's the shortest street in England.
Windsor, England

'The Queen' Locomotive

A replica of the steam engine that hauled Queen Victoria's Royal Train is on display at Windsor.
Windsor, England

The Queen's Swans at Windsor

All unmarked mute swans on the Thames are owned by the Queen per a tradition that began in the 12th century.
Windsor, England

Ankerwycke Yew

One of the oldest trees in Britain may have been witness to some of the country's formative moments.
Windsor, England

The JFK Memorial at Runnymede

The patch of land below the memorial was gifted by the British to the United States.
Liverpool, England

Mausoleum of William Huskisson

A memorial to the politician who became Great Britain's first fatality to be caused by a locomotive.
Liverpool, England

Martins Bank Building

Most of Britain's gold reserve was secretly stashed here after the start of World War II.
Liverpool, England

St Johns Beacon

The tower was originally used as a chimney for the waste incinerator of St. John's Precinct and Market.
Liverpool, England

Liverpool Central Library Entrance Riddle

The red letters in the literary pavement leading to the library form a mysterious code.