chrisl0078's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Shirley, Massachusetts

Head of the Egopantis

The head of a legendary creature allegedly killed during colonial times is now on display at a local restaurant.
Haverhill, Massachusetts

Winnekenni Castle

It was an experiment to prove that glacial boulders and rocks can be used in constructions and dwelling.
Derry, New Hampshire

Robert Frost Farm

Former abode of notable poet, complete with literary references and stories of ghosts.
Lowell, Massachusetts

The Mysterious Witch Bonney

The Mysterious Witch Bonney, a haunted statue in an old industrial city.
Wilton, New Hampshire

Captain Sam Greele Monument

A small obelisk marks the spot where Captain Sam Greele was killed by a falling tree.
Henniker, New Hampshire

Ocean-Born Mary

Sites connected to a woman born on a ship and spared by a pirate.
Milford, New Hampshire

Monson, New Hampshire

The ghost town that was one of New Hampshire's first settlements now exists as a park detailing its history.
Exeter, Rhode Island

Grave of Mercy Brown

The final resting place of New England's last "vampire."
Bristol, Rhode Island

Musée Patamécanique

The exact whereabouts of this surreal cabinet of curiosities are rarely the same place twice.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments Mark I

This massive World War II calculator hearkens back to the days when "computer" was a job title.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Brattle Theatre

One of the last remaining movie theatres in the country that features a rear-projection system.
Boston, Massachusetts

Tomb of the Mather Family

The tomb of Increase Mather and his son Cotton, influential colonial ministers obsessed with the occult.
Boston, Massachusetts

Memorial for Boston Light Keepers

Tragedy on Little Brewster Island memorialized.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old North Church

The site of Paul Revere's historic two lantern warning.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mather Home

This ambitious father and son team reigned supreme over the North End, and witches, for many years.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Tax Riot

One of the indelible moments of the American Revolution took place at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Caffe Vittoria

The oldest Italian café in Boston, this spot also serves as a veritable museum of vintage coffee ephemera.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of Boston's First Bell

The first bell ever cast in Boston was cast by Paul Revere...and sounded terrible.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's "Black Sea"

This area was once known for being a lawless haven for rough-and-tumble sailors, earning the maritime-themed nickname "the black sea."
Boston, Massachusetts

Union Oyster House

This nearly 200-year-old restaurant's history includes an exiled French prince, JFK, and a very hungry Daniel Webster.
Boston, Massachusetts

AHAC Headquarters

Located in Faneuil Hall, the headquarters of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts has stood the test of time.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Lover’s Rock of Lovells Island

A disastrous shipwreck and a tragic love story.
Scituate, Massachusetts

Maritime and Irish Mossing Museum

A quaint museum nestled in a former hub of Irish moss harvesting.
Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft’s Grave

Final resting place of one of the classic authors of horror literature.