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Places visited in Charleroi, Belgium
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London, England

The Navigators

Ship-sized kinetic sculptural fantasy.
London, England

The Real Greenwich Prime Meridian

Thanks to modern navigational tools we now know that the true prime meridian runs through a park next door.
London, England

The Imperial War Museum London

This massive collection of British military artifacts includes the heartbreaking personal letters of the men in the trenches of WWI.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Stoumont, Belgium

Sanatorium du Basil

An early 20th-century sanatorium, long abandoned and now being reclaimed by nature.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Frauenkirche

This Dresden church was purposely rebuilt Protestant after being demolished in World War II.
Knokke-Heist, Belgium


A garden of flying flowers.
Moorslede, Belgium


This Belgian theme park began as a refuge for bored church children and was closed down when a boy lost an arm.
Ostend, Belgium

Amandine Museum Ship

The last Oostende trawler to fish off Iceland is now a museum.
Heuvelland, Belgium

Hotel Kosmos

This old, abandoned hotel offers magnificent views.
Charleroi, Belgium

Bois du Cazier

This former coal mine, now a fascinating museum, was the site of Belgium's worst mining disaster.
Plombières, Belgium

Gare De Montzen

Abandoned since 1998, this train station has become an oasis for urban explorers.
Damme, Belgium

Damme Canal

Also known as Napoleon's Canal, this waterway was created on the orders of the general, and construction was interrupted by Waterloo.
Antwerp, Belgium

Elfde Gebod

According to this bar, God gave an “11th commandment” to Antwerp: Thou shalt drink beer.
Antwerp, Belgium

Brabo Fountain

A man throwing a giant severed hand towers over Antwerp’s main square.
Antwerp, Belgium


To enter this cluttered-yet-cozy sanctum of Belgian brews, ring the bell and tell the gatekeepers you've come “to taste beer.”
Bruges, Belgium

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Christ's blood allegedly preserved in a Belgian town.
Jaisalmer, India

Jaisalmer Fort

The oldest still-inhabited hill fort in India looks like a magnificent golden sandcastle.
Areni, Armenia

Areni-1 Cave Complex

This series of Armenian caves held the oldest brain, shoe, and winery in the world.
Goght, Armenia

Geghard Monastery

This Armenian monastery was carved out of cliffs and named after the spear used to stab Jesus.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Dry Bridge Market

You'll find just about anything in this funky Tbilisi flea market.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi Sulfur Baths

A cluster of historic bathhouses built on the famed hot springs that gave the Georgian capital its name.
Budapest, Hungary

Zwack Unicum Museum

Central Europe's largest collection of mini-bottles is on display at this museum devoted to a bitter Hungarian liquor.