kaylaka83's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kleitoria, Greece

Styx Waterfall

This 200-meter-high waterfall marks the site of Achilles’s immortal baptism at the mouth of the River Styx.
Laconia, Greece


This town named for the ancient God of War is home to fewer than a thousand people, but it's the birthplace of the Greek Revolution.
Egeo, Greece

Valley of the Butterflies

Swarms of dainty flying insects swarm into the Petaloudes Valley to get busy.
Psichro, Greece

Dikteon Cave

According to myth, Zeus himself was hidden in this cave to escape being eaten by his dad.
Athens, Greece

Magic Sphere of Helios

This mystical orb covered in strange symbols is thought to have been used in ancient Greek magical rituals.
Mettlach, Germany

Höckerlinie Westwall

Now overgrown, these anti-tank barriers from World War II are sometimes called "dragon's teeth."
Munich, Germany

Wunden der Erinnerung (Wounds of Memory), LMU Library

The scars of World War II are preserved on its walls.
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Partnachklamm (Partnach Gorge)

Walk inside a half mile long crevice right outside the town of Garmisch Partenkirchen.
Donaueschingen, Germany


The great Danube river starts here.
Munich, Germany

Der Teufelstritt (The Devil's Footprint)

The footprint of a frustrated devil in Munich's Cathedral.
Schonach im Schwarzwald, Germany

World's Largest Cuckoo Clock

A Black Forest cuckoo clock theme park features one timepiece big enough to walk inside.
Munich, Germany

Weiße Rose Pavement Memorial

These bronze pamphlets remember a remarkable group of Germans who fearlessly opposed the Nazis in the very center of their power.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

The Eagle's Nest

Soaring over 6,000 feet in the Bavarian Alps, this beer garden was once Hitler's 50th birthday present.
Munich, Germany


A stairway to heaven, or to nowhere at all.
Lichtenstein, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle

A striking 12th-century-style castle built on the edge of a cliff.