FionaRaven's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

Santa Maria della Concezione Crypts

The crypts of Capuchin friars decorated with the bones of over 4,000 friars, including an entire "crypt of pelvises."
Bomarzo, Italy

The Monsters of Bomarzo

A 16th-century horror show built in a lovely Italian garden.
Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
Split, Croatia


A wonderfully strange collection of 500+ stuffed frogs doing people things.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Relic of St. Silvan

A full figure 4th century incorruptible saint lies in a glass coffin in Croatia.
Rijeka, Croatia

Torpedo Launch Station

Now abandoned, the world's first torpedo factory is crumbling into the sea.
Vis, Croatia

Vis Island

Formerly Yugoslavia's "forbidden island," this sleepy little city still holds the abandoned remains of military strongholds.
Zrenj, Croatia


Croatia's "hairy stone" fortress is one of the most well preserved Istrian castles.
Kupari, Croatia

The Abandoned Hotels of Kupari

The now-overgrown beach resort was once frequented by Yugoslav military elite.
Trakošćan, Croatia

Trakošćan Castle

This Croatian fairytale castle is slowly falling apart thanks to years of neglect.
Zagreb, Croatia

Villa Rebar

This former estate of a fascist leader is now a burnt out ruin leading to a system of secret tunnels.
Hum Košnički, Croatia

Veliki Tabor Castle

This beautiful Croatian fortress is haunted by legends of forbidden love.
Trsteno, Croatia

Trsteno Arboretum

The oldest arboretum on the Dalmatian coast doubles as the gardens of Kings Landing in "Game of Thrones."
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Daksa Island

This Croatian island is for sale but no one is buying due to the dozens of accused Nazi sympathizers who were massacred there after WWII.
Pula, Croatia

Pula Arena

One of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters is still used today, but for less brutal events.
Split, Croatia

UNESCO-Protected SPAR Supermarket

When a supermarket opened up shop within a medieval building it became protected by UNESCO on a technicality.
Lopar, Croatia

Goli Otok

The only gulag ever to exist in socialist Yugoslavia.
Korčula, Croatia

Abandoned Tunnels of Korčula

When Croatia became independent of Yugoslavia, the splintering governments left behind these concrete tunnels.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Cathedral Treasury (Riznica Katedrale)

A wunderkammer of gold and silver reliquaries and ancient saintly bones.
Brištane, Croatia

Visovac Monastery

This picturesque medieval monastery guards a small trove of historic treasures.
Ston, Croatia

Walls of Ston

Longest fortress system anywhere in Europe.
Malička, Croatia

Petrova Gora

This huge metal monument is slowly being stripped to its concrete skeleton.
Zagreb, Croatia

Brestovac Sanatorium

Once a state-of-the-art tuberculosis treatment spa, these ruins are now ruled by paintball players.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hotel Belvedere

The complex has been abandoned since the Croatian War of Independence, barring a stint as a set for 'Game of Thrones.'