gabrielbodine's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ulugnor District, Uzbekistan

Fergana Valley

One of the most ethnically diverse spots on the planet.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Seattle Peace Park

Touching displays of wishes for peace from the Cold War era.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Amir Timur (Tamerlane) Museum

Looking for a unifying history, Uzbekistan finds its answer in a 14th Century Turco-Mongol conqueror... despite the fact he wasn't Uzbek.

Dekhistan Ruins

The remains of a medieval city loom in one of the most isolated desert regions of Turkmenistan.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Wedding Palace

If you want to get married in the White Marble City of Ashgabat, you should do it in this surreal disco ball building.

The Gates of Hell

A fiery crater has been burning in the Karakum Desert since 1971.
Panama City, Panama

Mercado De Abastos

A huge, bustling local market in Panama City.
Limones, Panama

Tigre Salvaje

A no-frills, DIY nature preserve manned by a U.S. expat who has dedicated his life to turtle conservation.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek Circus

This retro, UFO-like structure is a remnant of the Soviet-era circus.
Ak-Su, Kyrgyzstan

Merzbacher Lake

Glacial lake that mysteriously empties itself every year.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

National Museum of Kyrgyzstan

Time capsule of a museum, in which the Soviet Union remains alive and kicking.
Barskoon, Kyrgyzstan

Monument to Yuri Gagarin

A boulder carved into the shape of the cosmonaut's head.
At-Bashi District, Kyrgyzstan

Tash Rabat

Extremely isolated Silk Road caravanserai in the middle of nowhere.
Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Muzey Sulayman Too

An outstanding piece of retro Sci-Fi architecture built into a sacred mountain.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zelionyj Bazaar

This sprawling market is a one-stop shop for traditional Kazakh foods, from mare’s milk to sheep’s head.
Semey, Kazakhstan

Vladimir Lenin Busts and Statue

A collection of Lenin busts and other Soviet Era statues sit idly behind the Semipalatinsk Hotel.
Astana, Kazakhstan

Khan Shatyr

An entertainment center in a huge transparent tent.
Astana, Kazakhstan

Bayterek Tower

A modern tower, symbolizing the legend of a golden egg on top of the tree of life.
Baikonur, Kazakhstan

Cosmonaut Grove

Avenue of trees planted by cosmonauts before their space departures.
Semey, Kazakhstan

Semipalatinsk Polygon

One of the most horrible legacies of the Cold War is a site where the Soviet Union tested nuclear bombs on civilians.
Shetpe, Kazakhstan

Valley of Balls

Mysterious spherical rocks in the semi-desert of western Kazakhstan.
Zhanaarka District, Kazakhstan

Soyuz 11 Memorial

The remains of a monument in the remote Kazakhstani desert dedicated to the only men to die in outer space, the crew of the Soyuz 11 rocket.
Enbekshikazakh District, Kazakhstan

Issyk Lake

The lovely lake that was naturally dammed, then naturally destroyed, then unnaturally saved.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Big Almaty Lake

A brilliant turquoise lake in the mountains.