gobbleag's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nelson, Nevada


A mining town once rife with murderous disputes over its copious treasures now creates income as a popular spot for photo shoots.
Bryson City, North Carolina

The Road to Nowhere

This road in the Great Smoky Mountains was supposed to assuage a displaced community, but ended up a $52 million dead end.
Bend, Oregon

Lava River Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in Oregon.
Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Frick's Lock

A modern ghost town whose inhabitants were driven away by the growth of nuclear power.
Warrenton, Oregon

The Wreck of the Peter Iredale

100-year-old shipwreck you can walk up to at low tide.
Bronx, New York

Hart Island

The loneliest island in New York.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Raccoon Mountain Caverns

More than five miles of underground passageways.
Cave City, Kentucky

Dinosaur World

Prehistoric animals decorate this popular outdoor park.
New York, New York

The Morris-Jumel Mansion

The oldest house in Manhattan is now a museum that remembers the home's sordid history of scandals, vice-presidents, and ghosts.
Erwin, Tennessee

Lost Cove Settlement

Railroad came. People came. Railroad left. Town died.
Pasadena, California

Fork in the Road

A bigger-than-life pun that has become a beacon of altruism.
Los Angeles, California

St. Vincent Court

A faux European lane smack dab in downtown L.A.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Napoleon House

A 200-year-old building in the French Quarter that was to be Napoleon's home in the New World.
Queens, New York

Fort Totten

Read between the lines of the subway map to find the hidden abandoned Civil War fort.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Corinne, Utah

The Spiral Jetty

An earthwork sculpture built by Robert Smithson in the Great Salt Lake only reemerges during drought.
Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Cloquet, Minnesota

Frank Lloyd Wright Gas Station

The famed architect designed this Minnesota gas station of the future with a lookout tower.
Bedford, Indiana

Bluespring Caverns

The longest navigable underground river in the United States is home to countless blind and albino animals.
Bear Creek, North Carolina

Devil's Tramping Ground

A 120-year-old legend concerning an empty circular patch in the North Carolina woods.
New York, New York

El Sabroso

This semi-hidden Manhattan restaurant is based out of a loading dock.
Ione, California

Preston Castle

One of the oldest reform schools in the United States, home to wayward boys such as Merle Haggard, now abandoned.
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Devil's Kettle

Half of a waterfall goes into the river while the other half seems to disappear.
Cleveland, Ohio

A Christmas Story House and Museum

The home made famous by the 1983 holiday classic is now a perfectly preserved shrine to the movie.