grahamb7856's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hiraizumi, Japan

Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamondo

Founded over a thousand years ago, this shrine is said to be built on the site of a warlord's harem prison.
Nikko, Japan

Ashio Copper Mine

The site of Japan's first major environmental disaster.
Tokyo, Japan

Sanrio Puroland

If Hello Kitty were Mickey Mouse, this would be Disneyland.
Yoshimi, Japan

The Hundred Caves of Yoshimi

This ancient burial site was once thought to be the home of a race distinctive to Ainu folklore.
Ashikaga, Japan

Ashikaga School

The oldest academic institution in Japan provides a glimpse of university life during the days of the samurai.
Tokyo, Japan

The Akasaka Love Hotel

The demolished ruins of a poorly located Japanese Love Hotel.
Kamakura, Japan

The Great Buddha of Kamakura

A bronze statue dating back as far as 1252, still has remnants of gold on its right cheek from ancient gilding.
Tokyo, Japan

Noumin Café

This “peasant café” in the middle of Tokyo re-creates the atmosphere of the Japanese countryside.
Kamakura, Japan

Kamakura's Seven Entrances

Narrow passes cut out of mountains surround the medieval capital of Japan.
Kamakura, Japan

Sixteen Wells

This mysterious medieval grotto holds a grid of sacred wells of unknown purpose.
Ōsaki, Japan

Kejonuma Leisure Land

A quaint amusement park now sits, rusting and forgotten among the foliage.
Kamakura, Japan

Harakiri Yagura

Access to this hidden site of a 14th-century mass suicide is prohibited, unless it is to pray for the dead.
Tatebayashi-shi, Japan

Morin-ji Temple

This temple is steeped in local folklore involving a teakettle and a raccoon dog.
Tokyo, Japan

Yurei Izakaya

Haunted house kitsch meets Japanese folklore at this theme bar where patrons can “die” and have their own mock funeral.
Yokohama, Japan

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

This historical theme park celebrates all things noodle.
Yokohama, Japan

Bashamichi Station Concourse

Remnants of an old bank adorn this station's brick wall.
Nikko, Japan

Abandoned Western Village

This western-themed amusement park is host to a large number of decaying animatronic cowboys.
Yokosuka, Japan

Mikasa Memorial Warship

The last remaining predreadnought battleship in the world has been a museum for nearly a century.
Yokohama, Japan

Green Thumb

Home to herbal cosmetics, teas, and a unique set of dolls known as kitchen witches.
Yonezawa, Japan

Ubayu Onsen

Located in a remote mountain valley in Yamagata Prefecture, these hot springs have attracted bathers for over 450 years.
Yokohama, Japan

Tin Toy Museum Kitahara Collection

More tin toys than you can shake a clapping monkey at.
Yokosuka, Japan

Sarushima - "Monkey Island"

A small island with no monkeys but plenty of military ruins.
Kawasaki, Japan

Anata No Warehouse

This faux-seedy Japanese arcade is made up to look like a maze of alleys straight out of a cyberpunk dystopia.
Tokyo, Japan

E18 War Train

The train engine is tucked under an apartment building on a quiet Tokyo street.