gypsyblue's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Poznań, Poland
Places added to Trutnov, Czechia
Places visited in Goslar, Germany
Places visited in Gdańsk, Poland
Places visited in Schwerin, Germany
Places visited in Poland
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Places visited in Oranienburg, Germany
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Hamburg, Germany

St. Pauli Elbtunnel

Hamburgers are intensely proud of their tunnel beneath the river.
Hamburg, Germany


Hamburg's first legal sex work is relegated to a gated street that still does not allow pedestrian women.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Saint-Malo, France

Fort de la Conchée

A unique military outpost carved into a rocky outcrop in the English Channel.
Nantes, France

Machines of the Isle of Nantes

Massive puppet-automaton machines created by French artist collective Machines de l’Ile.
Bordeaux, France

Falling Car of Bordeaux

This Bordeaux parking garage has 712 indoor spaces, and one outdoor.
Bordeaux, France

Miroir d'eau

The world's largest reflecting pool is just two centimeters deep.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Albi, France

Albi Cathedral

A medieval church with largest and oldest collection of Renaissance frescoes in France.
Marseille, France

Unite d'Habitation and the Radiant City

What if all public housing projects had been designed by "the Pygmalion of modern architecture," not only their prototype?
Nîmes, France

Maison Carrée Reconstructed Inscription

The lost Latin words were reconstructed using the holes from the nails that once pinned them in place.
Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France

Pont du Gard

This ancient Roman bridge and aqueduct still stands as a wonder of classical construction.
Aigues-Mortes, France

Salin Aigues-Mortes

This salt marsh in Southern France is as pink as the flamingos that inhabit it.
Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France

Pont de Gau Ornithological Park

Thousands of flamingos and other bird species flourish in these Camargue wetlands.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Rome, Italy

Campo de Fiori

This ritzy Italian market is built around a statue of an unforgiven heretic who was burned for his belief in an endless universe.
Rome, Italy

The Aventine Keyhole

Rome's semi-secret peephole vista is also a former Crusader stronghold.
Rome, Italy

The Mouth of Truth

The yawning maw of this pagan visage is said to bite off the hands of liars.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dragon Bridge

A whimsical bridge adorned with decorative dragons.
Belgrade, Serbia

Ruins of Yugoslav Army Headquarters

Destroyed Serbian army headquarters sits half crumbled in a largely revitalized Belgrade.
Niš, Serbia

Red Cross Concentration Camp

A Red Cross memorial museum at the site of the Niš concentration camp that operated for four eventful years during World War II.
Niš, Serbia

The Skull Tower of Nis

Structure built from the skulls of vanquished foes.