Thor Mentor's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat Amusement Park

This attraction was abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster.
Madrid, Spain

Carabanchel Prison

Infamous and now demolished panopticon prison built by its former inhabitants.
Sitges, Spain

Sitges Aquatic Paradise

Abandoned waterpark turned counter-culture mecca.
Fontenay-en-Parisis, France

Goussainville-Vieux Pays

The post-apocalyptic remnants of a bucolic town ruined by a plane crash.
Budapest, Hungary

Terror Háza

Museum dedicated to the terror regimes of Hungary.
Podgarić, Croatia

Podgaric Monument

This stunning, out-of-the-way Croatian monument commemorates a community's uprising against occupying fascist forces.
Oradour-sur-Glane, France


This French ghost town from World War II has been left as a memorial to German atrocities during World War II.
Pniewo, Poland

The Ostwall Fortification

What was once an underground Nazi city is now Europe's largest bat reserve.
Alaverdi, Armenia

Mikoyan Museum

This small shrine is dedicated to the designer of the first Russian fighter jet and his brother, who became Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Lidice, Czechia

The Lidice Children

The soulless eyes of 82 bronze children stare on forever in remembrance of a horrifying World War II massacre.
Istra, Russia

Abandoned Marx Generator

A dormant lightning machine equal to all the power in Russia.
Irbene, Latvia

Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center

This impressively complicated radioastronomy research center was once a tool of Soviet spies.
Tiraspol, Moldova


A forgotten remnant of the Soviet Union, Transnistria is an unrecognized country hidden behind a heavily militarized border between Moldova and Ukraine.
Shumen, Bulgaria

Bulgarian State Monument

This massive concrete sculpture is said to be the heaviest communist monument on Earth.
Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Buzludzha Monument

An abandoned saucer-shaped monument in the Bulgarian mountains.
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Defenders of Stara Zagora Memorial Complex

This massive stone and steel monument remembers a century-old battle that cost thousands of lives and nearly destroyed the city.
Varna, Bulgaria

Monument of the Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship

This once-grandiose behemoth of a monument from the socialist era now sits quiet and closed up.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

One of the largest museums in Ukraine remembers the story of the German-Soviet War in iconic, brutalist style.
Brest, Belarus

Brest Hero-Fortress

Thanks to its heroic service during WWII this Soviet castle has been turned into a monument towered over by a brutalist titan.
Chiatura, Georgia

The Cable Cars of Chiatura

These Stalin-era industrial 'death traps' hang lifeless above the city
Ämari, Estonia

Ämari Pilots’ Cemetery

This soviet pilot's graveyard is filled with headstones made of airplane fins.
Skulte, Latvia

Riga Aviation Museum

A vast and unlikely aviation museum kept alive for over 50 years due to one man's tenacity.
Elbasan County, Albania

Bunkers of Albania

Hundreds of thousands of concrete bunkers crowd Albania long after the fall of Communism.