Happy Rider's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Holbrook, Australia

HMAS Otway

The decommissioned submarine is now the symbol of a small, inland Australian town.
Wingen, Australia

Burning Mountain

6000-year-old coal fire moves one meter per year.
Gundagai, Australia

Marble Masterpiece

A miniature cathedral made of 20,948 tiny pieces of marble.
Acton, Australia

The Big Dish

With a surface area of nearly 500 square meters, welcome to the world's largest paraboloidal dish solar concentrator.
Nicholls, Australia

Dinosaur Garden

Outside the National Dinosaur Museum, dozens of dinosaur statues and sculptures claim the landscape.
Monga, Australia

Pooh Bear's Corner

A small mountain cave tucked away along Kings Highway has become a shrine to the beloved character.
Reids Flat, Australia

Empire of Atlantium

The smallest country in Australia is a principled little thing with a friendly emperor.
Putty, Australia

Newnes Glow Worm Tunnel

Once the path of a railway tunnel, now home to thousands of glowing insects.
Helensburgh, Australia

Glowworm Tunnel

An abandoned railroad tunnel is now filled with bioluminescent bugs.
Sydney, Australia

Gould's Book Arcade

One of Australia's largest secondhand bookstores.
Sydney, Australia

The Lex and Ruby Graham Gardens

This secret Australian garden was built on love after a man planted a random bulb he found in the ocean.
Sydney, Australia

Cockatoo Island

Cockatoo Island is a Heritage-listed island in the middle of Sydney Harbour.