hayleyhughes86's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alltnacaillich, Scotland

Dun Dornaigil Broch

Unusually, this ancient Iron Age broch has never been excavated.
Kinver, England

Holy Austin Rock Houses

The last occupied troglodyte dwellings in England weren't abandoned until the 1960s.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Germantown White House

The oldest surviving presidential residence in the United States.
Portland, Maine

Battery Steele

Explore the dark underground corridors of this graffiti-covered former military fortification.
Ponderosa, New Mexico

The Goblin Colony

On the edge of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, these rock formations create an eerie landscape.
Logan, Ohio

The Caves of Hocking Hills State Park

Rare recess caves fill this unbelievably beautiful Ohio park.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cincinnati Mushroom House

What is it about mushrooms that makes people wish they lived inside of them?
Coventry, England

'Coventry Doom'

This amazing 15th-century mural remained hidden in plain sight for centuries.
Essex, England

The Broomway

A perilous medieval road leading right into the sea.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell McDonald's

This fast-food outlet is the only space and UFO-themed McDonalds in the world.
Pärnu, Estonia

Seegi Maja Restaurant

This atmospheric spot in Pärnu's historic old town is located in a 17th-century almshouse.
New York, New York

The 'Goodnight Moon' House (Cobble Court)

Hidden behind a gate in Greenwich Village is a little farmhouse that once served as the writing studio of a bestselling author.
Carnlough, Northern Ireland

Paddy the Pigeon Plaque

A harbor town pays tribute to a heroic wartime carrier pigeon.
Dover, England

Bronze Age Boat

One of the oldest seagoing boats in the world can be found at the Dover Museum.
Dublin, Ireland

St. Michan's Mummies

An Irish church where an 800-year-old mummy is reaching out of his coffin as if to shake hands.
Glen Rose, Texas

Ed Young Station

This abandoned building made of petrified wood was once a hotspot for buying moonshine.
Quincy, Massachusetts

First Dunkin' Donuts

This small shop walked so America could run on Dunkin'.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Neptune Memorial Reef

An underwater city for the dead.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Whitehead, Northern Ireland

Castle Chichester Tower

This tower once belonged to a castle fit for a knight.
San Francisco, California

Albion Castle

A 140-year-old castle with underground caves hidden in San Francisco.
Nanwei, Micronesia

Nan Madol Ruins

The ruins of an ancient island city built atop a coral reef in the South Pacific are spectacular and strange enough to have inspired H.P. Lovecraft.
Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands

Brederode Castle

The ruins of a medieval castle that once belonged to one of the most powerful families in the Netherlands.