jackcrow999's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Oak Harbor, Washington

Blue Fox Drive-In Theatre

Sleep beneath the big screen at this old-school movie theater.
Bainbridge Island, Washington

The Labyrinth Mosaic and Halls Hill Lookout

Overlooking Puget Sound sits a garden with a Buddhist prayer wheel and an elaborate labyrinth.
Bellingham, Washington

Fairhaven Historic Markers

Stones speckled along Harris Avenue reveal hidden nuggets of the past.
Aberdeen, Washington

Kurt Cobain Memorial Park

A tribute to the Nirvana frontman hides beneath the bridge that was the singer's beloved hangout spot.
Sequim, Washington

Troll Haven

A magical sanctuary of mythological statuary.
Spokane, Washington

Mary Lou's Milk Bottle

A giant milk bottle from the 1930s beckons drivers to this diner.
Bellingham, Washington

SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention

An electrifying collection of gadgets and literature from the 16th through 20th centuries.
Monroe, Washington

Wayside Chapel

The tiny church offers succor to travelers driving by, but only eight at a time.
Copalis Crossing, Washington

Ghost Forest of Copalis

This grove of ghostly cedars was killed in 1700 by an enormous tsunami, felt from the United States to Japan.
Seattle, Washington

Big Top Curiosity Shop

Inside this curiosity shop, visitors can peruse the clown collection or purchase a molar from the mouth of Bigfoot.
Colfax, Washington

St. Ignatius Hospital

An abandoned 19th-century hospital now swirling in ghost stories.
Tacoma, Washington

Sanford & Son Antiques

This three-story antique market and curiosity emporium claims to be "the largest singly owned antique shop in the Pacific Northwest."
Walla Walla, Washington

Museum of Un-Natural History

"Enter and be entertained or annoyed by Dada in Walla Walla."
Port Townsend, Washington

Starrett House

The building features one of the last remaining free-floating spiral grand staircases in the U.S.
Eastsound, Washington

Howe Art

One artist's yard is full of shining, whirling kinetic sculptures that look like pure steel psychedelia.
Asotin, Washington

Cloverland Ghost Town

The century-old remains of an abandoned farm town in eastern Washington.
Granger, Washington

Hisey Dinosaur Park

In Washington's Yakima Valley lies a town "where dinosaurs roam."
Forks, Washington

John's Beachcombing Museum

One man's eclectic collection of treasures found at sea.
Long Beach, Washington

Marsh's Free Museum

Home of Jake the Alligator Man, the mummified remains of a cigar smoking, cross-dressing celebrity of the Northwestern coast.
Seattle, Washington

Ars Obscura

In this subterranean brick arcade, a small shop continues the ancient practice of bookbinding.
Garfield, Washington

Elberton Ghost Town

A nearly abandoned 19th-century town on the Palouse.
Tacoma, Washington

Bridge of Glass

A beautiful footbridge with over 2,000 glass sculptures along the walls and ceiling.
Seattle, Washington

Bettie Page House

What's that on the side of that building? Va Va Voom, it's Bettie!
Vancouver, Washington

DEVIL-ish Little Things Museum

A whimsical menagerie of devils, krampuses, satyrs, and other horned creatures.