janal's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Jim Morrison Mural

Legendary frontman of the Doors looms in this giant mural by famed Venice muralist, Rip Cronk.
Los Angeles, California

Ballerina Clown

A three-story, three-dimensional hobo clown in a tutu welcomes CVS shoppers.
Los Angeles, California

Helios House

First LEED-certified gas station in the United States.
Los Angeles, California

Great Wall of Los Angeles

One of the world's longest murals depicts the history of diversity in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

El Bordello Alexandra Apartments

An increasingly eccentric apartment building, topped with winged beasties.
Los Angeles, California

Wat Thai Temple Food Market

Every weekend, the parking lot of this Buddhist temple turns into a Thai street-food paradise.
Los Angeles, California

Templo Santa Muerte

A shrine to a skeleton saint in the city of angels.
Los Angeles, California

Chicken Boy

The so-called "Statue of Liberty of Los Angeles" is on a one mutant mission to keep L.A. weird.
Los Angeles, California

Venice of America Canals

After starting as a whimsical tourist attraction that eventually found its way to ruin, these renovated canals offer a lush and exotic locale on the Pacific Coast.
Los Angeles, California

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum

A look into the Church of Scientology's deeply unfavorable view of psychiatry.
Barstow, California

Painted Rocks

The cluster of boulders near Fort Irwin is covered in military insignia.
Yermo, California

Peggy Sue's 50's Diner & Diner-Saur Park

Like a kitschy mirage in the Mojave, this eatery serves up classic 50s-style diner meals and a dinosaur sculpture garden.
Glasgow, Scotland

Lion and Unicorn Staircase

This emblematic representation is said to bring the students good fortune.
Glasgow, Scotland

University of Glasgow Memorial Gates

Inscribed on the gate are the names of 29 figures from the University's first five centuries.
Glasgow, Scotland

Nelson Monument Glasgow

One of the first monuments dedicated to the accomplishments of the great Vice Admiral, Horatio Nelson.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cameron Memorial Fountain

Glasgow's own "tipsy" temperance monument.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Highlandman's Umbrella

Displaced highlanders would take shelter from the wet Scottish climate under the large walled bridge at Glasgow Central Station.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Hunterian Museum

A 200-year-old collection of oddities and medical paraphernalia.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi's Train Street

Twice a day a speeding train passes only inches from the homes of this residential neighborhood.
Lisbon, Portugal

Hospital de Bonecas

Catering to broken dolls for almost 200 years, this repair shop is now a charnel house of doll parts.

Mina de São Domingos (Sao Domingos Mines)

An abandoned mine now resembles a post-apocalyptic landscape of derelict buildings and blood-red pools of water.
Lisbon, Portugal

Santa Justa Lift

This Industrial Age architectural and engineering gem helps visitors and residents alike traverse Lisbon, “The City of Seven Hills.”