jaycangel's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ubud, Indonesia

Sacred Monkey Forest (Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana)

Hindu temple of the dead home to hundreds of long-tailed macaques.
Baturiti, Indonesia

Ghost Palace Hotel

An abandoned hotel in the highlands of Bali is shrouded in stories of ghosts, curses, and corruption.
Madrid, Spain

Nave de Motores de Pacífico (Pacifico Engine Shed)

Built to power trains, the engines in this building provided the entire city of Madrid with electricity during the Spanish Civil War.
Madrid, Spain

Edificio Mirador

This postmodern apartment block was designed to be a vertical neighborhood.
Madrid, Spain

Chamberí Ghost Station

Abandoned for decades, trains still pass through the now-restored remains of one of Madrid's first metro stations.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Paris, France

Deyrolle Taxidermy

Paris' fabled purveyor of exotic taxidermy and natural history curios.
Paris, France

Dans le Noir?

"In the Dark" Restaurant in Paris offers dinner in complete darkness.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

The Room of Endangered and Extinct Species

A haunting collection of the vanished and disappearing natural world.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Petite Ceinture

Abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris.
Paris, France

Père Lachaise Cemetery

France's most famous cemetery, with some of its most curious tombs.
Rome, Italy

Domus Aurea

The engineering wonder and pleasure dome of a much-maligned emperor still holds undiscovered secrets.
Rocca di Papa, Italy

Via Sacra

This ancient trail climbs the mountain where a Latin League cult worshipped Jupiter, its main deity.
Rome, Italy

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana

Also known as the Square Colosseum, this building is a prime example of fascist-era rationalist architecture.
Rome, Italy

Centrale Montemartini

Gods clash with machines in a power plant regenerated as a museum.
Rome, Italy

Parco degli Acquedotti

This beautiful park on the outskirts of Rome protects the ruins of two colossal ancient aqueducts.
Rome, Italy

The Protestant Cemetery

The final resting place of the poets Shelley and Keats.
Rome, Italy

Via Appia

2300-year-old Roman road connecting the empire.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles' Museum of Broken Relationships

Where the leftovers of love affairs can live on forever.
Los Angeles, California

Tom House

Historic house-museum dedicated to the revolutionary gay graphic artist Tom of Finland.
Los Angeles, California

Ballerina Clown

A three-story, three-dimensional hobo clown in a tutu welcomes CVS shoppers.