Jbrett23171's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Eisenach, Germany

Wartburg Castle

The castle where Martin Luther secretly translated the New Testament from Greek to German while in hiding.
Karlsruhe, Germany

Kindergarten Wolfartsweier

A kindergarten shaped like a cat with a tail that's a slide.
Nagold, Germany


A German town is growing a building out of trees.
Essen, Germany


The Bauhaus-style former industrial complex is considered the world's most beautiful coal mine.
Lübbenau/Spreewald, Germany

Gurkenmuseum (Cucumber Museum)

A museum honoring Germany’s cucumber mecca offers a great dill of gherkin history.
Passau, Germany

Broken Glass Villa

Shimmering sea-colored mosaics and Jesus statues cover this opulent building.
Darmstadt, Germany

The Ludwigshöhe

A former Nazi lookout tower with a magnificent view of the Rhineland.
Berlin, Germany


Berliners converted a bombed-out, disused lot into a community-run urban farm with its own cafe and bar.
Duisburg, Germany

Zoo Zajac

The world's biggest pet store.
Flintsbach am Inn, Germany

Flintsbach Historical Cemetery

A rare example of a German cemetery with traditional grave markers dating back several generations.
Wiesenthau, Germany


An ancient pagan site swirling with legends in the foothills of Franconian Switzerland.
Berlin, Germany

Prussian National Monument for the Liberation Wars

A towering monument to war, located on a beautifully peaceful hill.
Nordstrand, Germany

The Lorenbahn

A tiny island is connected to the mainland by a private railway that residents travel in their own personal wagons.
Siegen, Germany

Hainer Stollen

The abandoned mine where American troops discovered a treasure trove of art and artifacts hidden by the Nazis.
Trier, Germany

Karl Marx House

The birthplace of Karl Marx is now a museum dedicated to the communist revolutionary's life and work.
Berlin, Germany

Knut the Polar Bear

Berlin's beloved bear is immortalized at the Museum für Naturkunde.
Nentershausen, Germany

Naturbauten Park

At this unusual park, domes, ladders, chairs, and more are made from trees.
Zittau, Germany

Zittau Narrow-Gauge Railway

This historic little railroad runs through some of the most beautiful scenery in Germany.
Kirnitzschtal, Germany

Lichtenhain Waterfall

A small man-controlled waterfall powers an Art Nouveau elevator and is accessed via narrow gauge, solar-powered tramway.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberger Bergbahnen

This historic funicular system combines the old with the new while offering delightful views over the surrounding valley.
Chiemsee, Germany

Herrenchiemsee Neues Schloss

Originally envisioned by King Ludwig II to rival Versailles, Herrenchiemsee's "New Palace" remains half-gilded for lack of funds.
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Waldeck, Germany

The Drowned Convent and Village of Berich

As lake waters recede, a German village reemerges after more than a hundred years.
Halle (Saale), Germany

Nebra Sky Disc

The 3,600-year-old archeological sensation is considered to be the oldest representation of the cosmos.