jlharris's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gerlach, Nevada

Fly Geyser

A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.
Bethesda, Maryland

Mushroom House of Bethesda

Surrounded by traditional homes, this Tolkien-esque dwelling stands out on a quiet street in suburban Maryland.
Taipei City, Taiwan

Grand Hotel Tunnel

Air-raid tunnels hidden beneath this opulent hotel provided shelter and an escape route—and one of the world's longest slides.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Berlin, Massachusetts

Grave of Don Featherstone

The gravestone of the man who designed the plastic pink flamingo is adorned with his most famous creation.
Jackson, Mississippi

Big Apple Inn

This humble hole-in-the-wall is home to an incredible pig ear sandwich and serious civil rights history.
Brooklyn, New York

Abu's Homestyle Bakery

This family-owned bakery is one of the last places in Brooklyn to sell the Nation of Islam–inspired bean pie.
Washington, D.C.

Sweet Home Cafe

This unique museum cafeteria showcases the history and regional diversity of African American cuisine.
Greensboro, North Carolina

Site of the Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in

This North Carolina store preserves a historic moment in America's movement for racial equality.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dooky Chase's Restaurant

Parts of the civil rights movement unfolded in this historic eatery, helmed by the "Queen of Creole Cuisine."
Boston, Massachusetts


This upscale streetwear store is hidden behind a fake Snapple machine in the back of a deli.
Bodfish, California

Silver City Ghost Town

This ramshackle ghost town is comprised of mining-era buildings collected from around the region.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Footlight Club

America’s oldest community theater, this Boston club has been in operation since 1877.
Chicago, Illinois

Rock N Roll McDonald's and Museum

The palatial McDonald's that inspired Wesley Willis.
Chicago, Illinois

Division Street Russian and Turkish Baths

A European-style bath house in Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

The U.S. Pizza Museum

In Chicago, a pizza-enthusiast has opened a museum dedicated to the history of pizza.
Chicago, Illinois

Stained Glass at Navy Pier

A display of magnificent stained glass windows is the first exhibit of its kind.
Chicago, Illinois

The Museum of Holography

A Museum of Holography frozen in 1974.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Freight Tunnels

A century-old network of freight tunnels underneath the city's historic business district.
Chicago, Illinois

300 South Wacker Drive

A 400-foot-tall tall map of Chicago makes this once-ignored building stand out.
Chicago, Illinois

L.H. Selman Glass Gallery

Over 1,000 pieces of one of the most niche art objects imaginable: the glass paperweight.
Chicago, Illinois

Historic Garfield Station Entrance

The original Garfield station is the oldest station facility on the "L", with the station house dating from 1892.
Chicago, Illinois

Walt Disney's Chicago Birthplace

A chance to follow in the footsteps of the word's most legendary animator.
Chicago, Illinois

Ida Crown Natatorium

An eccentric park and pool.