joann94024's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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joann94024's activity rankings
Places visited in Djibouti
Places edited in Al-Shikhan, Iraq
Places visited in California City, California
Places visited in Angola
Places visited in Qobustan, Azerbaijan
Places visited in Benin
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Mountain View, California

Hangar One

One of the largest free-standing structures ever built, this dirigible hangar is now simply a giant skeleton.
Los Altos, California

The Apple Garage

The garage at the childhood home of Steve Jobs was a hangout for the founders of Apple, even if they never built computers there.
Long Beach, California

The Skinniest House in America

The 10-foot-wide Long Beach home was built on a dare.
Long Beach, California

The RMS Queen Mary

The awe-inspiring ship from the golden era of cruising has an incomparable history and a reputation as one of the world’s most haunted places.
Long Beach, California

Astronaut Islands

These four islands right offshore have waterfalls, colorful lights, fancy buildings, and a secret purpose.
Santa Monica, California

Frank Gehry Residence

Perhaps the most unique of any Frank Gehry design for one simple reason: Gehry himself actually lives here.
Culver City, California

Lawrence and Martha Joseph Residence and Apartments

Known as the "Hobbit Houses," these storybook homes look like they're straight out of the Shire.
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Kahuzi-Biéga National Park

One of the last refuges of the endangered eastern lowland gorilla.
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Virunga National Park

The most biologically diverse protected area in Africa is also the most dangerous.
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nyiragongo Volcano

Mount Nyiragongo has erupted at least 34 times since 1882 and is home to the world's largest lava lake.
Qobustan, Azerbaijan

Gobustan Rock Art

A massive collection of petroglyphs dating back some 40,000 years.
Shaki, Azerbaijan

Palace of the Shaki Khans

Foreign invaders almost left this lovely Caucasus palace alone—almost.
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Maiden Tower

This mysterious but iconic tapered tower appears in many Azeri fairytales and legends.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Heydar Aliyev Center

The building's fluid, wavelike walls are a true feat of architectural ingenuity.
Akna, Azerbaijan


Azerbaijani ghost town, decaying after a war left it an armed forces buffer zone.
Stepanakert, Azerbaijan

We Are Our Mountains

This striking icon of the disputed Republic of Artsakh caused a stir at a Eurovision Song Contest.
Qaradagh, Azerbaijan

Neft Dasları

Complete town of 5,000 living out at sea on the world's first offshore oil platform.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Yanar Dağ (Fire Mountain)

Mysterious hillside with a continuously burning natural fire.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan

Home to nearly a third of the world's mud volcanoes, Azerbaijan is home to a messy, bubbling, and sometimes explosive landscape.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Fire Temple of Baku

A shrine of fire worship built on top of a natural flame.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

The House of Wonders

In Zanzibar, a historic 19th-century palace is a reminder of the world's shortest war.
Chobe, Botswana

African Quadripoint

There is only one place in the world where the corners of four nations come together.
Asmara, Eritrea

Fiat Tagliero Service Station

Eritrea's futuristic gas station is a nod to Italy's fascist history.

Lake Abbe

A salt lake dotted with steaming limestone chimneys.