kab826's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Birmingham, Alabama

Statue of Vulcan

A 56-foot tall statue of the god of fire looks out over Birmingham, Alabama.
Clanton, Alabama

Big Peach Water Tower

The second-tallest water tower shaped like a peach in the American South.
Wetumpka, Alabama

Wetumpka Impact Crater

One of almost 200 confirmed impact craters in the entire world, untouched for tens of millions of years.
Wetumpka, Alabama

Jasmine Hill Gardens & Outdoor Museum

This botanical garden has been nicknamed "Alabama's Little Corner of Greece."
Auburn, Alabama

Auburn War Eagle

Auburn's iconic eagle flight goes back to a 19th century eagle that dropped dead on the field after inspiring the football team to victory.
Montgomery, Alabama

Casket on the Steiner-Lobman Building

The whimsical construction on the roof has given rise to many a Montgomery myth about its contents.
Montgomery, Alabama

National Memorial for Peace and Justice

Colloquially known as "the lynching memorial," this is the United States' first memorial to the victims of racial terror at home.
Montgomery, Alabama

Hank Williams's Gravesite

The country music legend's grave is surrounded by Astroturf because fans kept plucking out the grass.
Millbrook, Alabama

Spectre Set Ruins

The remains of an idyllic small town built for the film 'Big Fish' still stand around a rundown main street.