KatjaSm's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Saint-Georges-d'Oléron, France

Fort Boyard

Fighting the British and making game shows for over 150 years.
Auray, France

Port of Saint-Goustan

A quaint medieval harbour where Benjamin Franklin landed in 1776.
Carnac, France

Carnac Stones

Hundreds of prehistoric stones, arranged in perfect lines in a French field.
Larmor-Baden, France

Cairn de Gavrinis

One of the great treasures of Neolithic art lies within this carefully constructed pile of rocks.
Amanlis, France

La Maison Sculptée

An enchanting work of outsider art, full of whimsical sculptures and carvings.
Saint-Nazaire, France

Suite de Triangles

These red marks, seemingly placed at random, are in fact not.
Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France

Serpent D'Océan

An aluminum skeleton brings Chinese mythology to the French shore.
Bouée, France

Villa Cheminée

This tiny hotel perched atop a 50-foot tower really puts things into perspective.
Nantes, France

'Mètre à Ruban'

A massively oversized measuring tape sculpture sits inside a hidden yard.
Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau, France

The Grotesques of the Chapel of Bethlehem

Do these monsters look familiar? The gargoyles on this church are all from pop culture.
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.
Machecoul, France

Château de Machecoul

The ruins of a medieval castle linked to the murderous French lord that inspired the famous legend of Bluebeard.
Barbâtre, France

Passage du Gois

This submersible road connecting a French island to the mainland is lined with safety towers for when the tide strands travelers.
Les Sables-d'Olonne, France

L'île Penotte Seashell Art

Wall after wall of this French seaside neighborhood is intricately decorated with seashells and corals.
Le Château-d'Olonne, France

Le Puits d'Enfer (The Well of Hell)

This crack in France's seaside cliffs once hid a sinister secret.
Deyme, France

The Abandoned Galleon

The deserted pirate-themed restaurant still entices explorers.
Condom, France

Château Cugnac cellars

See and taste one of the oldest and rarest collections of Armagnacs in the world.
Angoulême, France

Murals of Angoulême

The vibrant buildings in the “capital of the comic strip” celebrate the art form that made it famous.
Angoulême, France

Galarie D'Art Park

A tiny, forgotten park of surrealist sculptures in Angouleme.
Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, France

Underground Church of Saint-Jean at Aubeterre-sur-Dronne

The largest underground church in Europe.
Moux, France

Tomb of Henry Bataille

The haunting cadaver tomb of a famous French poet, playwright, and filmmaker.
Minerve, France

Minerve, France

A well-preserved medieval village nested on a rocky outcrop and surrounded by a network of cliffs, natural bridges and canyons.
Asque, France

Gourgue d'Asque

A French valley with forests so lush it was nicknamed "the Small Amazonia of the Pyrenees."
Sers, France

Pic du Midi Observatory

This futuristic observatory at the top of the Pyrénées offers unrivaled views.