katkakov06's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rocca di Papa, Italy

Via Sacra

This ancient trail climbs the mountain where a Latin League cult worshipped Jupiter, its main deity.
Thessaloniki, Greece

'The Umbrellas'

One of the most photographed locations in the entire city.
Vienna, Austria

The Lost Garden of Schloss Schonbrunn

The topiary maze at the Habsburg hunting lodge.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Bratislava, Slovakia

‘The Six White Mice’

A series of bronze circus performers spread throughout a Slovakian shopping center.
Levoča, Slovakia

Levoča Cage of Shame

Too much gossip or just missing curfew could land you in here for a couple of days.
Bratislava, Slovakia


Thousands of slain Soviet soldiers are buried within the shadow of this enormous obelisk.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Most SNP

This Slovak bridge is known both for its connection to a national uprising and its UFO-shaped eatery.
Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia

Orava Castle

The 700-year-old fortress was the site of Count Orlok's castle in "Nosferatu."
Čičmany, Slovakia

Painted Village of Čičmany

A perfectly preserved hill village where the buildings are painted like white lace.
Stará Bystrica, Slovakia

Stará Bystrica Astronomical Clock

The world's newest astronomical clock is also its most accurate.