kenherrington's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Aldabra Atoll

Over two-thirds of the world's population of giant tortoises live among this coral formation.
Monduli, Tanzania

Lake Natron

A salty red wasteland in Tanzania is a breeding spot for endangered flamingos.

The Pirate Cemetery

This picturesque island graveyard is the final resting place of dozens of notorious pirates.
Antananarivo, Madagascar

Parc de Tsarasaotra

See hundreds of herons and egrets in the heart of the city in this dreamy hidden park.
Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania

Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins

Stunning ruins of what was once the center of one of the greatest empires in East Africa.
Morondava, Madagascar

Avenue of the Baobabs

The centuries-old trees lining both sides of this dirt road may become Madagascar's first natural monument.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Correctional Center

A historic and oft-filmed prison stands in a Chicago suburb.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.
Chicago, Illinois

Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures

This surprising gem is a world-class archeological museum hidden at the University of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Mosaic School

Assemble a masterpiece at the first and only North American school exclusively dedicated to mosaic art.
Chicago, Illinois

Essanay Studios

This landmark of the Chicago silent film industry may not be in the picture business anymore but it still stands proudly.
Chicago, Illinois

Bubbly Creek

This cheerfully-named branch of the Chicago River is the fetid result of years of blood, entrails, and meatpacking waste.
Chicago, Illinois

Bohemian National Cemetery

Cemetery featuring rare glass-fronted columbarium.


A little-visited waterfall in an otherworldly landscape.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Baltimore, Maryland

Davidge Hall

One of the oldest anatomical theaters in the U.S. still in use was once the site of an infamous cadaver riot.
Nanjemoy, Maryland

The Ghost Fleet of Mallows Bay

The remnants of a wooden-hulled fleet built and abandoned in WWI, now home to a thriving ecosystem.
Baltimore, Maryland

Curtis Creek Ship Graveyard

Ship skeletons haunt Baltimore's waterways.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Scarpetta House

A model home in the Medical Examiner's Office in which grisly death scenes are staged to train forensic investigators.
Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore Basilica

The design of this historic domed church was influenced by Thomas Jefferson and intended as a statement of religious freedom.
Baltimore, Maryland

Graffiti Alley

A hidden alley in urban Baltimore is a haven for graffiti artists.
Baltimore, Maryland

George Peabody Library

It's not hard to see why the historic Peabody Conservatory of Music's library has been described as a "cathedral of books."
Baltimore, Maryland

Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

The trials and tribulations of marking Poe's grave.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Temple

A gothic church spire sits atop this skyscraper, the tallest church in the world.