Kiwiuk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kent, England

The Resting Place of Pocahontas

The last resting place of the famous Native American princess is marked by a haunting monument.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Book Sculptures

Anonymously sculpted and donated, these sculptures made from poetry books and pages are sprinkled around the city.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cafe Royal

Come for the oysters, stay for the priceless art honoring inventors across history and Scotland's favorite outdoor sports.
Portsoy, Scotland

Findlater Castle

These ruins are a hidden gem, complete with fantastic views over the cliff edge.
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Pilgrims Way to Holy Island

Twice a day this ancient path disappears with the tides, leaving the Holy Island of Lindisfarne out to sea.
Conwy, Wales

Quay House, The Smallest House in Great Britain

A former fisherman's hut deemed too small for habitation is now a delightful tourist draw.
Failford, Scotland

Peden's Cave

A historic cave in Scotland once served as a hiding place for a famous Covenanter.
Cornwall, England

Church of St. Morwenna and St. John the Baptist

This ancient church, rebuilt at least 3 times, is flanked at all sides by history.
Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Mussenden Temple

This Italian-style temple replica has been threatening to fall off the Irish coast for hundreds of years.
Norwich, England

Norwich Plantation Garden

A magnificent Victorian garden that brings the charm and style of old-time aristocracy to the 21st century public.
London, England

Alfred Hitchcock's London Flat

One of the greatest movie directors of all time lived and worked in this London flat from 1926 to 1939.
Devon, England

Buckfast Abbey

This historic Benedictine monastery brews a booze so toxic that it has often been blamed almost singularly for Scottish hooliganism.
Somerset, England

Tarr Steps

This ancient bridge made of stone slabs is said to be reserved for the devil to sunbathe.
Dorset, England

Old Harry Rocks

65 million-year-old chalk outcroppings mark the end of the Jurassic Coast.
Pembrokeshire, Wales

Skomer Island

A wildlife paradise, this island is one of the world’s most important habitats for burrow nesting seabirds.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.
Waterloo, England

'Another Place'

A hundred copies of Antony Gormley's naked body stare out across the water.
Bristol, England

Clifton Rocks Railway

The abandoned funicular tunnel was a secret base for the BBC during World War II.
Buckinghamshire, England

Dockey Wood Bluebells

Each spring this woodland floor is carpeted with purplish flowers as far as the eye can see.
Kinver, England

Holy Austin Rock Houses

The last occupied troglodyte dwellings in England weren't abandoned until the 1960s.
Aberystwyth, Wales

University of Aberystwyth Old College

A real-life Professor Snape once taught in this Welsh university building, which students of course nicknamed “Hogwarts.”
London, England

Cabmen’s Shelter in Russell Square

Originally built for London’s cab drivers, this bright green hut now serves anyone a hot drink or meal.
Bridgnorth, England

Bridgnorth Cliff Railway

This charming railway is one of the oldest and steepest funiculars in England.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.