ktart's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Natchez, Mississippi


A grandiose octagonal home crowned by a large dome stands out among the antebellum mansions.
Cascade, Colorado

Pikes Peak Summit House

Thanks to a quirk of elevation this gift shop produces magic doughnuts that are found nowhere else on Earth.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado's Airplane Restaurant

This Boeing KC-97 tanker is now a restaurant for aviation lovers.
Topanga, California

Theatricum Botanicum

Will Geer's outdoor theater started as a mountain retreat for actors, musicians, and other artists who were blacklisted during the Red Scare.
Billund, Denmark

Legoland in Billund

The original home of the Lego has a huge amusement park dedicated to the iconic plastic toy.
Jelling, Denmark

Jelling Viking Monuments

Mounds, rune stones, and a 1,000-year-old church, left behind by Denmark's first two kings.
Vejle, Denmark

Bølgen (The Wave)

This unique architectural wonder is home to luxury apartments.
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.
Tambopata, Peru

Tambopata Research Center

One of the most remote lodges in the Amazon offers rare wildlife encounters and undisturbed views of the Peruvian rainforest.
Whitethorn, California

Enchanted Forest

A grove of "candelabra redwoods" deep in California's Lost Coast.
Sierra City, California

Sierra Buttes Lookout

A fire lookout atop a glacial pinnacle is reached by climbing three vertiginous flights of stairs.
Graeagle, California

Frazier Falls

The viewpoint for this attractive, off-the-beaten-path waterfall is reached by a paved, wheelchair-accessible trail.
Durango, Colorado

Raptors Wild

Up-close opportunities to see working birds of prey.
Durango, Colorado

Strater Hotel

A hotel with a rich Wild West history of miners and bootleggers.
Union, Connecticut

Traveler Restaurant

This small-town Connecticut restaurant gives each diner a free book from its vast library.
Durango, Colorado

White Rabbit Books & Curiosities

A riverside tiny house with books and other treasures galore.
Rome, New York

Fort Stanwix National Monument

An interesting look into 18th-century American history.
Halchita, Utah

Forrest Gump Point

The location where the iconic movie character declared it was time to go home.
New York, New York

Skyscraper Museum

An institution dedicated to the towering buildings that make up skylines in New York City and around the world.
Rachel, Nevada

Extraterrestrial Highway Sign

This sign designates the road that leads to the infamous Area 51.
Silver Lake, Oregon

Cowboy Dinner Tree

Eat like a "buckaroo" at this remote restaurant.
Brooklyn, New York

Museum of Food and Drink

Here, exhibits come with a side of edible history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pianola Museum

A unique collection of gilded age mechanical pianos.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Cheese Museum

This cheese shop also houses a museum devoted to Dutch dairy.