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Paris, France

Cimetière du Calvaire

The oldest and smallest cemetery in Paris is only open to the public twice a year.
Paris, France

Cours des Miracles (Court of Miracles)

Beggars were miraculously "cured" of their fake ailments when they returned home to this 17th century Paris slum each night.
Auvers-sur-Oise, France

Grave of Vincent and Theo van Gogh

The artist and his brother are buried in a landscape straight out of a van Gogh painting.
Paris, France

The One-Two-Two

This innocuous-seeming building is actually the remnant of a major wartime brothel.
Paris, France

World's Oldest Basketball Court

Despite being considered a thoroughly American sport, basketball's oldest surviving playing field is found in the basement of a Paris YMCA.
Blois, France

Mechanical Dragon Clock

A beautiful and classically designed villa, with an hourly infestation of monsters.
Paris, France

The Relic Crypt of St. Helena at Église Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles

This little-known relic crypt holds stolen parts of a Roman Empress.
Maincy, France

Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte

This stunning French estate was so lavish that it landed its original owner in jail for the rest of his life.
Amboise, France

Leonardo da Vinci's Tomb

The great Italian Renaissance painter was laid to rest here in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert.
Gémenos, France

Parc de Saint-Pons

A public park off the beaten path with a beautiful waterfall and 13th century Cistercian abbey.
Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France

Pont du Gard

This ancient Roman bridge and aqueduct still stands as a wonder of classical construction.
Chartres, France

La Maison Picassiette

A mosaic-tiled house built by graveyard sweeper Raymond Isidore.
Paris, France

Arago Medallions

135 bronze medallions mark a French meridian line which once rivaled the hotshot Greenwich timeline.
Civrieux-d'Azergues, France

Le Jardin de Nous Deux

The fantastic architectural models of a French traveler.
Paris, France

Pomze Paris

Got apples?
Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, France

Pont d'Arc

A natural arch carved by a river gave its name to the so-called "Cave of Forgotten Dreams."
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

The Rue Obscure

A medieval military street hidden beneath a charming French fishing village.
Lyon, France

Musée Miniature et Cinéma

Monsters and miniatures are held in equal esteem at this wondrous museum.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Douaumont Ossuary

This modern French ossuary contains the jumbled bones of 130,000 WWI soldiers.
Théoule-sur-Mer, France

Pierre Cardin's Bubble House

Avant garde house of Pierre Cardin on the Cote d’Azur.
Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France

Serpent D'Océan

An aluminum skeleton brings Chinese mythology to the French shore.
Crécy-la-Chapelle, France

Le Moulin Jaune

This professional clown's home is an outsider art wonderland.
Valenciennes, France

Abandoned Eurostar Train

This is what trains will look like after the zombie apocalypse.
Pont-en-Royans, France

Suspended Houses of Pont-en-Royans

These quaint French houses dangle precariously over a precipice.