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Tallinn, Estonia


The oldest continuously operating pharmacy in Europe.
Tartu, Estonia

Supilinn - The Soup Town

Historic slum of Tartu.
Tallinn, Estonia

Maarjamäe Memorial Complex

This striking memorial is one of Estonia’s most controversial Soviet leftovers.
Reigi, Estonia

Hiiumaa Eiffel Tower

A wooden replica of France's famous tower.
Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Teletorn (TV Tower)

This dizzying tower was built to better broadcast the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
Tallinn, Estonia

Old Thomas

The Guardian of Tallinn.
Tallinn, Estonia

Epitaphs of The Cathedral of Saint Mary

The oldest church in the Estonian capital is home to over 100 fantastical cemetery coats-of-arms.
Pärnu, Estonia

Pärnu Seawall

Legend says lovers who hold hands while venturing along this stone jetty and kiss at the end will remain together forever.
Tartu, Estonia

Karl Ernst von Baer Statue

Once a year, local students "clean" this statue with a champagne shower.
Tallinn, Estonia

Telliskivi Creative City

Estonia's largest creative city is a vibrant bohemian hub located within a former industrial complex.
Sillamäe, Estonia


This Soviet-era "closed town" was a top secret uranium producer often left off of maps.
Tallinn, Estonia

Haunted Guest House

Spend your honeymoon where the Devil had his wedding.
Ridala Parish, Estonia

Ungru Manor

The gutted remains of this Estonian mansion are a monument to a tragic love.
Tallinn, Estonia


An empty relic of the Moscow Olympics crumbles away in Estonia's capital.
Tallinn, Estonia

Ichthus Art Gallery

A secluded art gallery hidden within the cellars beneath Tallinn’s medieval monastery.
Kose Parish, Estonia

Tuhala Witch's Well

This disappearing geyser has been attributed to witchcraft, but really it's all about rainfall.
Kaali, Estonia

Kaali Meteorite Crater Field

Mysterious craters may have been home to an ancient cult.
Rummu, Estonia

Rummu Underwater Prison

The ruins of an Estonian prison are drowning in the quarry lake where the convicts were once forced to work.
Tallinn, Estonia

KGB Museum

"There's nothing there," and other lies the KGB told us.
Helsinki, Finland

Tire Gorilla

A giant gorilla made of used car tires used to sit sentinel over a Helsinki college campus.
Oulu, Finland

Paska Kaupunni

This misspelled graffiti reappears every time it is removed.
Helsinki, Finland


This restaurant combines two Finnish traditions in one place: warm-weather relaxation and outdoor carpet-cleaning.
Pyhäranta, Finland

Elk Garden

A Finnish artist's unique fauna statuary.
Kuopio, Finland

Branch Boy Sculptures

A stick-sprouting statue watching a duo of disembodied dancing deities.