Lindz263's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

High Tower Elevator

Instead of hoofing it up steep stairs, residents can hitch a ride on this private lift.
Los Angeles, California

'Remnal of a Senging Chave'

Behind legendary Meltdown Comics is a marker for an engineered musical roadway of the Tehachapi, the great road builders of Kcymaerxthaere.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood's most famous landmark, the "temporary" sign that has stood for decades longer than intended.
Beverly Hills, California

'Celluloid' Monument

A tribute to the movie stars who fought to keep Beverly Hills separate from Los Angeles.
Santa Monica, California

Santa Monica Camera Obscura

An offbeat angle on the ocean viewed through an antiquated lens.
Santa Monica, California

Georgian Hotel

One of the first skyscrapers in Santa Monica, and a famous getaway for the Hollywood elite of then and now.
Santa Monica, California

Origami Intersections

Giant origami crease patterns engraved in Santa Monica intersections may even be visible from space.
Los Angeles, California

Thompson Home

Nancy Thompson's Home from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
West Hollywood, California

Jim Morrison Hotel Room

Room 32 of the Alta Cienega Motel has grown into a shrine to the Lizard King.
Beverly Hills, California

Union 76 Gas Station

The dramatic upward-curving roof is one of the most iconic examples of Googie architecture that still stands today.
Beverly Hills, California


Ingenious bakery opens up the first Cupcake ATM at their flagship location in Beverly Hills.
Beverly Hills, California

Spadena House

Storybook cottage in Beverly Hills was once the site of 1920s silent film studio, affectionately known as "The Witch's House."
Santa Monica, California

Frank Gehry Residence

Perhaps the most unique of any Frank Gehry design for one simple reason: Gehry himself actually lives here.
Santa Monica, California

Farnam House

On a quiet suburban street stands a peculiarly decorated house covered in mosaics.
Beverly Hills, California

Beverly Hills Bermuda Triangle

One of the richest places in the United States has a cursed street.
Los Angeles, California

The Houdini Estate

A master of deception, Harry Houdini's greatest trick may have been living in two places at once.
Beverly Hills, California

Greystone Mansion

Stroll the grounds built by murder, suicide, and dirty oil money at one of Hollywood's most filmed mansions.
Los Angeles, California

Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden

This “living museum” at UCLA exhibits thousands of plant species from all over the world.
Los Angeles, California

UCLA Meteorite Collection

What began with a single, 357-pound chunk of the Canyon Diablo meteorite grew to be an impressive collection. 
Malibu, California

Keller House

The stone walls of a home built to withstand a California wildfire still stand after more than a century.
Los Angeles, California

Lookout Mountain Airforce Station

Secret US military film studio in the Hollywood Hills.
Los Angeles, California


This ultra-modern home clings to the slope of the Hollywood Hills on a precarious stilt.
Los Angeles, California

The Baked Potato Jazz Club

From sax to spuds, get 'em all at this landmark music establishment.