loquito57's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Varese, Italy

Grand Hotel Campo dei Fiori

A once-luxurious, now abandoned hotel in the Italian Alps.
Lakki, Greece

Lakki Cinema

This Greek cinema was architecturally inspired by Mussolini's vision of a fascist Mediterranean utopia.
Timișoara, Romania

Museum of the Communist Consumer

A collection of items from a way of life that no longer exists.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi's Train Street

Twice a day a speeding train passes only inches from the homes of this residential neighborhood.
Wustermark, Germany

Hitler's Olympic Village

The 1936 Summer Olympics site is a crumbling remnant of sportsmanship and a history its host country would like to forget.

Kolmanskop Ghost Town

The remains of diamond fever taken over by the desert.
Turda, Romania

Salina Turda

This massive underground salt mine now holds a sci-fi theme park in its depths.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges

The atmospheric road was never meant to be so creepy.
Medvezhyegorsky District, Russia

Kizhi Island

Stunning examples of Russia's 18th-century wooden architecture.
Zakinthos, Greece

Navagio Beach

Hidden in a secluded Greek cove is a pristine beach marred only by the rusting smuggler's hulk stranded on its shores.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Agriculture Museum

A fake Transylvanian castle houses a cathedral of antlers.
Budapest, Hungary

Terror Háza

Museum dedicated to the terror regimes of Hungary.
Budapest, Hungary

The Holy Right

The mummified right fist of a 1,000-year-old saint-king sits inside an ornate golden reliquary.
Maribor, Slovenia

The Old Vine

The world's oldest grape-producing vine has survived four centuries of turmoil and even has its own anthem.

Great Train Graveyard

On the outskirts of a desert trading village high on the Andean plain, steel giants have been destroyed by salt winds.
Naica, Mexico

Giant Crystals of Naica

A gargantuan crystal kingdom.
Cardross, Scotland

The Ruins of St. Peter's Seminary

One of Scotland's most important modern structures, it just made the '100 Most Endangered Sites' list.
Averøy, Norway

Atlantic Road

A serpentine highway twists and turns over the treacherous Norwegian Sea.
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Georgia

Towers of Svaneti

Fortified homes of highland warriors that are still in use today.
Roudbar Alamout, Iran

Alamut Castle

This ruined fortress was the stronghold for a persecuted medieval leader and his infamous Assassins.
Rushon, Tajikistan

Sarez Lake

The largest dam in the world and the site of a potential disaster.
Enbekshikazakh District, Kazakhstan

Issyk Lake

The lovely lake that was naturally dammed, then naturally destroyed, then unnaturally saved.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Last Wild Apple Forests

Granny Smiths and Fujis can both be traced back to Kazakhstan, where apples still grow wild.
At-Bashi District, Kyrgyzstan

Tash Rabat

Extremely isolated Silk Road caravanserai in the middle of nowhere.