lorilenn99's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Yermo, California

Calico Ghost Town

A desert ghost town—occupied for only 12 years—was once home to more than 500 silver mines.
Amargosa Valley, Nevada

Devil's Hole

Water of undetermined depth has attracted rare fish and cult leaders alike.
California City, California

California City: The Unbuilt Suburb

The "3rd largest" city in California is an empty mirage of suburbia in the middle of nowhere.
Barstow, California

Painted Rocks

The cluster of boulders near Fort Irwin is covered in military insignia.
Inyo County, California

Badwater Basin

The lowest point in North America is home to an undrinkable pool surrounded by fields of geometric salt flats.
Panamint, California

Barker Ranch

The location of the last stand of Charles Manson's doomsday cult.
Inyo County, California

Devils Golf Course Landscape

"Only the devil could play golf here."
Inyo County, California

Fossil Falls

Smooth basaltic rocks tell a tale of ancient glacial waterfalls.
Death Valley, California

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns

Ten 25-foot-tall, beehive-shaped kilns, abandoned in Death Valley.
Randsburg, California

Burro Schmidt Tunnel

This impressive tunnel was dug entirely by hand over the course of 36 years.
Inyo County, California

Ballarat Ghost Town

This old mining town, deep in the California desert, has a year-round population of one.
Trona, California

Trona Pinnacles

One of the most unusual geological features, recognizable from a dozen hit movies.
San Bernardino County, California

Kelso Ghost Town

The abandoned train depot now doubles as a well-placed rest stop for those who take the road less traveled.
San Bernardino, California

Kelso Dunes

The largest dune field in the Mojave offers a chance of hearing the 'singing sands.'
San Bernardino County, California

The Mojave Desert Mailbox

The most isolated mailbox in America lets desert travelers record their passing.
San Bernardino County, California

Mojave Lava Tube

A volcanic tunnel illuminated by natural skylights offers a shaded respite from the desert sun.
Baker, California

Mojave Megaphone

No one's quite sure why there's a metal megaphone bolted on two rocks in the middle of the Mojave Desert.
Baker, California

Alien Fresh Jerky

Finally the worlds of UFO enthusiasts and beef jerky lovers have come together in this roadside shop.
San Bernardino, California

Zzyzx Mineral Springs and Healing Center

A former utopian healing center created by a huckster and built by derelicts.
Baker, California

Travelers Monument

This large pile of traveler-curated rocks by the dry lakebed is a longstanding tradition on the Old Mojave Road.
Inyo County, California

Scotty's Castle

An abandoned Jazz Age dream home and con man's hideout in Death Valley.
Inyo County, California

Ubehebe Crater

A massive hydrovolcanic explosion left a half-mile wide crater in Death Valley.

Eureka Dunes

The highest dunes in California are the most likely place in the area to hear the Singing Sands.
Inyo County, California

Marble Bath

This desert oddity hides in plain sight thanks to a cartographic error and a desert explorer with a punny sense of humor.