SecretFriend's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

The Asahi Flame

This enormous monument is one of the most iconic structures in Tokyo, rudely nicknamed "The Golden Turd."
Pak Ou, Laos

Pak Ou's Caves

Thousands of effigies of Buddha watch from caves set high above a legendary river, plus whiskey.
Muang Ngoy, Laos

Muang Ngoi Neua

A quaint village where bomb casings from the Second Indochina War have been repurposed into mundane objects.
Bangkok, Thailand

Papaya Studio

Vintage furniture and art share space with all manner of collectibles at this quirky shop in Bangkok.
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wat Umong

Buddha shrines hide within dark tunnels at this unique forest temple.
Mae Ho Phra, Thailand

Bua Tong Sticky Waterfall

You can walk up Thailand’s naturally non-slip waterfall.
Sydney, Australia

Badu Mangroves

A boardwalk winds through this sliver of coastal nature hidden within Sydney.
Papaikou, Hawaii

Hawaiʻi Tropical Botanical Garden

More than 2,000 species of tropical plants call this nature preserve and sanctuary home.
Hilo, Hawaii

Waiānuenue (Rainbow Falls)

This legendary urban waterfall creates a dazzling display of rainbows.
Bangkok, Thailand

Elephant Building

This Bangkok high-rise looks like a rudimentary LEGO elephant.
Tokyo, Japan

Giant Unicorn GUNDAM Robot

A 20-meter (65-foot) robot towers over Tokyo Bay.
Seattle, Washington

Montlake Spite House

This tiny home built on revenge appears to be scarcely wider than a Volkswagen.
Cusco, Peru

The Twelve-Angled Stone

This geometric feat is a testament to the Incas' mesmerizing architectural abilities.
Cusco, Peru

Cusco Cathedral

Situated on a sacred Inca site, this 16th-century cathedral took nearly 100 years to build.
Los Angeles, California

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Hollywood's oldest hotel is the site of the first Academy Awards, the birthplace of Marilyn Monroe's career, and the home of Montgomery Clift's ghost.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Center Armory

A community gathering place that once housed half-ton tanks and the World's Fair.
Bangkok, Thailand

Erawan Shrine

A shrine built to combat the bad karma of a commercial venture.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Hampi, India


The remains of what was, not so long ago, the world's largest city.
Los Angeles, California

Mel Brooks Handprint

There are lots of hands and feet stamped in the cement in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater, but Mel left behind something extra.
Los Angeles, California

Musso and Frank Grill

This star-studded Old Hollywood restaurant is where fettuccine Alfredo made its United States debut.