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Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
hajnowski, Poland

The Land of Open Shutters

Old cabin-like homes in a rural community untouched by time are known for their vibrant and colorful window shutters.
Warsaw, Poland

Marie Curie's Tree

A tree planted by Marie Curie is treasured by the Radium institute that she set up.
Torun, Poland

Toruń Gingerbread Museum

Once a giant gingerbread factory, this space now hosts exhibits and workshops on the historic treat.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Poster Museum

A national collection of Communist-era musical posters.
Krakow, Poland

St. Mary's Basilica

St. Mary's features one of the most spectacularly decorated cathedral interiors in all of Europe.
Warsaw, Poland

The Neon Museum

A program of Communist glamour in post-Stalin Poland is preserved in this colorful museum.
Oswiecim, Poland

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The former Nazi concentration camp stands as a museum to remember this dark chapter in European history.
Prague, Czechia

Bohnický Hřbitov Cemetery (Cemetery of Fools)

An old asylum graveyard that's been abandoned for half a century attracts those seeking a dark thrill.
Prague, Czechia

Rozhledna Doubravka

A massive, abstract lookout tower providing a panoramic view of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

KGB Muzeum

One man's personal collection of KGB memorabilia is presented along with his strange viewpoint.
Prague, Czechia

Franz Kafka Museum

An eerie, existential museum dedicated to the author of "The Metamorphosis."
Prague, Czechia

Nuclear Bunker Museum

Buried five stories underground, this Soviet bunker is packed with gas masks and Cold War paraphernalia.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Communism

This Prague museum collects brutalist relics and memories from the country's former Soviet rule.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.
Prague, Czechia

Cross Club

A steampunk-styled three-floor factory churning out art, activism, and electronic beats.
Baia, Italy

The Sunken City of Baia

A submerged archeological park still holds the wonders of a Roman Sodom.
Rome, Italy

Servian Wall at McDonald's

Inside this McDonald's you can dine on your Big Mac and fries next to a 2,500-year-old Roman wall.
Zermatt, Switzerland


Spiral alpine structure provides an alternative experience of viewing the Matterhorn.
Zurich, Switzerland

Bambibrunnen (Bambi Fountain)

This charming fountain honors Felix Salten, the creator of the iconic storybook deer.
Tolochenaz, Switzerland

Audrey Hepburn’s Grave

The immortal Hollywood star rests in peace in an unassuming Swiss village cemetery.
Bern, Switzerland

Museum of Communication

Video games, body language, and postal history are all on display in this Swiss museum.
Zurich, Switzerland

Der Trauerautomat

An unusual vending machine designed to support mourners during funeral ceremonies at Zurich's largest cemetery.
Ennenda, Switzerland

Anna Göldi Museum

The last woman executed for witchcraft in Europe is remembered in this Swiss museum.