melannaise's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Curator's Office

A Borgesian work of art that may blur the line between fiction and reality a little too convincingly.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sidewalk Harp

A whimsical sensor instrument for Minneapolitans to play on their walks to work.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

House of Balls

Funhouse of found art and participatory sculpture.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

City Salvage

An architecturally-focused antique shop.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Vision of Peace (Indian God of Peace)

World's largest carved onyx figure stands as a tribute to enduring peace.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Orfield Labs Quiet Chamber

This lab's maddening silence is good for business but bad for sanity.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Ingebretsen's Scandinavian Gifts

Hub of Scandinavian culture in a Minneapolis deli.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Spoonbridge and Cherry

A toweringly silly piece of modern art has been delighting locals since the 1980s.
North St Paul, Minnesota

Studio Payne Oddities Shop

Admire the art and then buy a raccoon skull cleaned by flesh-eating beetles.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Wabasha Street Caves

These curious caverns have been home to mushrooms, gangsters, and disco.
Las Vegas, Nevada


James Turrell's total color immersion art installation, hidden on the top floor of a luxury handbag shop.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Lonnie Hammargren's House

This former lieutenant governor's home is brimming with curiosities.
Las Vegas, Nevada

St. Valentine's Day Massacre Wall

The bullet-riddled wall from the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, bloodstains enhanced for your viewing pleasure.
Chartres, France

Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

The famous winding walk at Chartres is surrounded in mystery and myth.
Daytona Beach, Florida

Brownie the Town Dog's Grave

Owned by no one but beloved by all, Brownie was a good dog.
Greenville, Florida

Ray Charles Statue

Georgia may have been on his mind, but this memorial in Florida shows that Greenville was really Ray Charles's childhood home.
Tampa, Florida

Henry B. Plant Museum

Step back into the glory days of Florida's nascent tourism industry at this Gilded Age palace.
Clearwater, Florida

Clearwater Virgin Mary

This glass-stain Mary attracted thousands of pilgrims until her head was shattered by a vandal with a slingshot.
St. Augustine, Florida

Treasury Street

St. Augustine's record-setting narrow street was designed to protect against pirates.
Vernon, Florida

Vernon, Florida

For a time this small Florida town of less than 1,000 residents was the national leader in dismemberment.
Kissimmee, Florida

Monument of States

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, rocks and fossils from every U.S. state were collected into a pyramid of national unity.
Sarasota, Florida


This Florida resort community is where the Amish come to have fun in the sun.
St. Augustine, Florida

Old Spanish Trail Zero Milestone

In this case, 'zero' marks the spot where the iconic Old Spanish Trail ends.
Captiva, Florida

The Bubble Room

This kitsch eatery is chock-a-block with bric-a-brac.