mememememememe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Melbourne, Australia

Coop's Shot Tower

This historic Melbourne bullet factory is fully encased in a massive glass and steel cone.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phnom Penh Memorial Stupa

5,000 skulls in memorial to those killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ta Prohm

A battle between nature and architecture in the Cambodian jungle.
Côn Đảo, Vietnam

Côn Đảo Prison

The wartime prison now features haunting sculpted reenactments of the atrocities that took place there.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Saigon Central Post Office

This French colonial post office is arguably the grandest in all of Southeast Asia.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

War Remnants Museum

Artifacts and memories from the Vietnam war, located in a place that experienced it first hand.
Dalat, Vietnam

Da Lat Crazy House

A Surreal flight of architectural fancy in Vietnam's Central Highlands.
Hương Thủy, Vietnam

Hồ Thuỷ Tiên

Vietnam's feral abandoned water park offers access to a post-apocalyptic funscape, now with fewer crocodiles.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi's Train Street

Twice a day a speeding train passes only inches from the homes of this residential neighborhood.
Hong Kong

Man Mo Temple Complex

A serene space tucked amid the skyscrapers of Hong Kong's bustling financial district.
Hong Kong

Central-Mid-Levels Escalators

The world's longest outdoor covered escalator system transports commuters through Hong Kong's hilly terrain.
Ngong Ping, Hong Kong

Tian Tan Buddha

Climb to the top of the world's largest seated bronze Buddha.
Hong Kong

Kowloon Walled City Park

Remnants of the most densely packed city in world history, that thrived on anarchy for 30 years.
Hong Kong

Chungking Mansions

Teeming with illegal goods and services, this towering maze of vice is also a popular tourist accommodation.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Zhangjiajie, China

Bailong Elevator

The world’s tallest outdoor lift stretches along the stone pillars that inspired the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
Weinan, China

Huashan Mountain

A harrowing trail up a mile-high mountain.
Beijing, China

798 Art District

This probably wasn't what Mao had in mind.
Beijing, China

The Central Perk, Beijing

This working replica of the 'Friends' coffee shop is more accurate to the show than the set itself.
Leshan, China

Giant Buddha

This Tang Dynasty behemoth is the biggest Buddha in the world.
Beijing, China

Great Wall of China Slide

Why walk on this historical site when you can zoom down instead?
Weinan, China

Huashan Temple

A sacred mountaintop temple offers a fine cup of tea to visitors who can survive the journey.