mizubehera's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Prague, Czechia

The Museum of Alchemists and Magicians of Old Prague

The history of occult science is turned into a creepshow at this lurid Prague tourist attraction.
Berlin, Germany

Weißensee Cemetery

This sprawling Jewish cemetery is one of the largest in Europe.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Berlin, Germany

Stadtbahn Viaduct World War II Damage

Reminders of the Battle of Berlin still scar the railway.
Berlin, Germany

Humboldthain Flak Tower

These former Nazi anti-aircraft towers offer a singular view of the north of Berlin in the summer, and a sanctuary for bats in winter.
Berlin, Germany

Denkzeichen Georg Elser

A monument to the man who almost killed Hitler.
Berlin, Germany

Hohenzollern Crypt in the Berlin Cathedral

Beneath the impressive baroque cathedral that rises from the center of Berlin lies the largest collection of Prussian royals in the world.
Berlin, Germany


Super-heavy Nazi architectural experiment.
Berlin, Germany

David Hasselhoff Museum

What started as a tongue-in-cheek shrine is now a full-blown museum celebrating "The Hoff" and his longtime love affair with Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Story Bunker

This World War II bunker now survives as a documentation of the Nazi regime and war crimes.
Berlin, Germany

Führerbunker Parking Lot

The bunker where Hitler took his own life is hidden under this deliberately ordinary parking lot.
Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Berlin, Germany

The Return of the Cows

Art and a pun, all in one.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Haus Schwarzenberg Street Art Alley

A narrow passage next to a cafe leads to a courtyard exploding with murals, tags, and paste-ups.
Berlin, Germany


The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Botanical Garden

Started as a kitchen garden, now the second largest botanical garden in the world.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Museum Vrolik

A curious collection dedicated to human and animal anatomy and pathology.
Monterosso al Mare, Italy

Il Gigante

The bomb-ravaged remains of of a colossal Neptune.
Schnals, Italy

Campanile di Curon

Bell tower juts out from a village buried under a lake.
Vagli Sopra, Italy

Lago di Vagli

This Tuscan lake hides a 13th century town that is still visible when the water recedes.
Borgo Grotta Gigante, Italy

Grotta Gigante

One of the largest caves in the world open to the public.
Rome, Italy

Parco degli Acquedotti

This beautiful park on the outskirts of Rome protects the ruins of two colossal ancient aqueducts.