mpudvar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brookline, Massachusetts
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Madison, New Hampshire

Madison Boulder

A very big rock just plopped down in the New England woods.
Newton, Massachusetts

Echo Bridge

A historic bridge with a lovely acoustic anomaly.
Falmouth, Massachusetts

Rachel Carson Memorial

A monument to the groundbreaking environmentalist sits near the place where she first experienced the sea.
New York, New York

The Statue of Roscoe Conkling

A 19th-century politician who died after walking home in a blizzard is honored with this Manhattan statue.
New York, New York

The General Worth Monument

This monument to a veteran of the Mexican-American War is one of only two in Manhattan that serve as an actual mausoleum.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
New York, New York

Ralph Kramden Statue

An homage to Jackie Gleason's bus-driving character from 'The Honeymooners.'
New York, New York

Spotlight on Broadway Map

The 28-foot granite map plots the locations of 40 theaters in New York City.
New York, New York

6 1/2 Avenue: Manhattan's Secret Street

Tucked away amidst some of the most famous addresses in the world is New York's only fraction of a street.
New York, New York

Paley Park

A small peaceful park and waterfall tucked amid the urban grind of Midtown Manhattan.
New York, New York

Citigroup Center Stilts

If it hadn't been caught in time, a flaw in the design of this Manhattan skyscraper could have led to its collapse.
New York, New York

Marilyn Monroe's Subway Grate

This unmarked and unloved Manhattan subway grate created one of the most iconic images in American cinema.
New York, New York

Greenacre Park

Read a book next to a Midtown waterfall.
New York, New York

William Lescaze Townhouse

New York City's first Modernist house.
New York, New York

The Daily News Building Globe

Spinning silently in the lobby of an Art Deco masterwork is a massive vintage model of the Earth.
New York, New York

New York's Hidden Tropical Forest

A miniature rainforest is growing inside of a Midtown Manhattan office building.
New York, New York

New Yorker Hotel

The New York hotel where tragic visionary Nikola Tesla spent his final hours, destitute and alone but for the pigeons.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

Israel Miller's 'Show Folks Shoe Shop' Building

Amid the marketing blitz of modern Times Square is an elegant holdover from its showbiz glory days.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat

Iceland's tribute to its thankless civil servants.
Reykjavik, Iceland


This stunning concert hall has become a symbol of Iceland's national recovery.
Boston, Massachusetts

Fort Independence (Castle Island)

On a former island, this old fortification once used to protect the Boston Area and started Edgar Allan Poe in his military career.
São Miguel, Portugal

Gorreana Tea Plantation

Europe's oldest still-operational tea farm also boasts a spectacular view.
São Miguel, Portugal

Lagoa das Sete Cidades (Lagoon of the Seven Cities)

Legend has it the lovelorn tears of a princess and a shepherd boy formed the blue and green twin lakes in the Azores archipelago.