msheitowit's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boulder City, Nevada

Hoover Dam Old Exhibit Building

Experience a charming 1930's version of "infotainment."
Boulder City, Nevada

Hoover Dam Geodetic Survey Markers

These markers are used to document elevation changes around the famed dam.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Cibola County, New Mexico

Budville Trading Post

In 1967, murder and mayhem disrupted the tranquility along this quiet stretch of Old Route 66.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Petroglyph National Monument

Thousands of pieces of art have been carved into the rock at the site of an ancient volcanic eruption.
San Jon, New Mexico

Glenrio Ghost Town

The old Route 66 town straddling Texas and New Mexico died along with the Main Street of America.
Grapevine, Texas

Grapevine Glockenspiel Clock Tower

A few times a day, you can see an animatronic cowboy shoot-out.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Thermal Spring Cascades

Two gushing waterfalls of hot spring water within a block of each other.
Memphis, Tennessee

Silky O'Sullivan's

Home to drunken tower-climbing goats... seriously.
Memphis, Tennessee

Sun Studio

This Memphis recording studio launched the careers of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Presley.
Memphis, Tennessee

National Civil Rights Museum

The hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot is now a museum dedicated to his work.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ryman Alley

The alley connecting two of country music’s most historic venues has a rich history of its own.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

St. Anthony's Chapel

This church in Pittsburgh is home to the largest collection of religious relics in North America.
Lincoln, Massachusetts

Paul Revere Capture Site

This location holds the truth to what truly happened that faithful night.
Providence, Rhode Island

Big Blue Bug

Ironically this massive termite is the mascot for a company that is acclaimed for killing his kind.
New York, New York

Hall of North American Mammals

Outstanding taxidermy dioramas showcase the grandeur of the continent's wildlife with spooky realism.
New York, New York

Libyan Desert Diorama

This poignant display is now a memorial to these regionally extinct species.
New York, New York

Sambar and Wild Dog Diorama

This taxidermy scene brings the struggle for survival in the Indian jungle to a quiet corner of a Manhattan museum.
New York, New York

Scavenger Taxidermy Diorama

This morbid scene depicts the Darwinian drama of death on the African savannah.
New York, New York

Gorilla Diorama

Creating this diorama spurred naturalist Carl Akeley to begin advocating to protect the apes.
New York, New York

African Elephants Diorama

This magnificent herd of stampeding elephants has been frozen in time for over a century.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
New York, New York

WTC Station 'E' Subway Entrance

A remnant of the original World Trade Center complex continues to serve as a commuter gateway.