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Places visited in Poolesville, Maryland
Places visited in Fairfax, Virginia
Places visited in Frederick, Maryland
Places visited in Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Places visited in Rock Hill, South Carolina
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Places visited in Vienna, Virginia
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Berlin, Germany

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

A memorial in the Tiergarten is a reminder of the suffering inflicted on homosexuals by the Nazi regime.
Berlin, Germany

AVUS-Tribüne (Automobile Traffic and Practice Road)

The world's first motorway was used as a racetrack until the late 1990s.
Berlin, Germany

The Bendlerblock

After a nearly successful attempt on Hitler's life, the conspirators met their fate in the courtyard of this Berlin building.
Berlin, Germany

Carillon Berlin-Tiergarten

One of the world's heaviest musical instruments towers within a popular urban park.
Berlin, Germany


This Berlin island is home to a flock of free-roaming peacocks, as well as a historic ivory folly.
Berlin, Germany

German Resistance Memorial Center

The site where a plot to assassinate Hitler was planned—and its conspirators were executed—is now a powerful memorial to the German resistance during World War II.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Dedicated to the European Sinti and Roma peoples murdered during the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Radio Tower

A restaurant and observation deck built in a unique broadcasting antenna.
Berlin, Germany

The Bebelplatz

The site of the famous Nazi book burning campaign of 1933 remembers its "Night of Shame".
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Venice, Italy

Isola di San Michele

Venice's island of the dead.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Verona, Italy

'Juliet's Tomb'

It’s said this crypt was the setting for the tragic finale of the Shakespeare play.
Verona, Italy

Whale Bone of Arco della Costa

A whale rib was used to advertise the store by the arch that offered exotic goods from far away.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Woolford, Maryland

Old Trinity Church

The United States' oldest Episcopal church still in active use.
Cambridge, Maryland

Stanley Institute

This one-room schoolhouse played a significant role in the education of Black children for almost 100 years.
Cambridge, Maryland

Annie Oakley House

Historic home of America's sweetheart sharpshooter, Annie Oakley.
Cambridge, Maryland

FDR Smokestack Memorial

The elevator hidden in a smokestack on Roosevelt's yacht now serves as a monument to the former president.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery

Dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, frogs, and fish are laid to rest at the second-oldest pet cemetery in the U.S.