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Places visited in Albacete, Spain
Places visited in Aranjuez, Spain
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Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, France

Underground Church of Saint-Jean at Aubeterre-sur-Dronne

The largest underground church in Europe.
La Teste-de-Buch, France

La Dune du Pilat

Bordered by forest on three sides and the ocean on the other, the Great Dune of Pilat is the highest sand dune in Europe.
Enciso, Spain

Enciso Ichnites

Hundreds of preserved dinosaur footprints can be found along a hiking trail in this small village.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.
Segovia, Spain

Sirenas de Segovia

These "mermaids" that surround a plaza in Segovia are rather sphinx-like.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Segovia, Spain

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Segovia, Spain

Segovia Aqueduct

One of the few remaining ancient aqueducts described by Frontinus as 'the most solemn testimony of the Empire.'
Ávila, Spain

Medieval Walls of Ávila

These magnificent city walls rise from the barren sun-baked Spanish plains like something straight out of a fairytale.
Toledo, Spain

Sinagoga El Transito

Once the grandest synagogue in medieval Spain, it now stands as a memorial of the 15th-century Jewish exile.
Toledo, Spain

Pozo Amargo (Bitter Well)

The water of this well in Toledo lost its sweetness after the death of a young love.
Toledo, Spain

The Smallest Window in the World

At least according to the Guinness World Records.
Toledo, Spain

Roman Circus of Toledo

The ruins of an ancient stadium that hosted gripping chariot and horse races.
Consuegra, Spain

Consuegra Windmills

This line of 12 tower mills described in the story of Don Quixote is among the most iconic landscapes in Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

House of the Seven Chimneys

Known as the Casa de las Siete Chimeneas, this haunted 16th-century manor has a dark, mysterious past.
Madrid, Spain

Muslim Walls of Madrid

Among the oldest structures in Madrid, these Moorish walls once guarded the medieval city of Mayrit.
Aranjuez, Spain

La Azuda

This 18th-century water provider for Aranjuez was refurbished in 2013 only to be neglected again.
Buendía, Spain

La Ruta de las Caras: The Route of Faces

Numerous sculptures set along hiking trails symbolize and idealize the relationship between man and nature.
Saelices, Spain

Segóbriga Archaeological Park

One of the most important Celtic-Roman archaeological sites in Spain.
Las Majadas, Spain

Los Callejones de Las Majadas

"Alleys of Stone" form natural mazes in Spanish natural park.
Albacete, Spain

Pasaje de Lodares

Built in 1925, this glass-roofed shopping arcade is known for its modernist Italian architecture.