natalie98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Owaraji (Giant Straw Sandals)

An enormous pair of straw sandals woven in the traditional way—to keep demons at bay.
Osaka, Japan

Sewerage Science Museum

Near the mouth of the Yodo River, this museum offers visitors six floors of hands-on learning about Osaka's raw sewage.
Kyoto, Japan

Ichimonjiya Wasuke

Established over a thousand years ago, this family-run teahouse continues to serve skewers of sweet rice cake to this day.
Tokyo, Japan

Nihonbashi Kirin Statues

Mythical beasts symbolizing the city of Tokyo guard a historic bridge.
Tokyo, Japan

Nishi-Rokugō Park

Watch out for the two-story Godzilla made out of tires.
Osaka, Japan

Chapel Goedele

A 14th-century European chapel sticks out of the facade of a Japanese hotel.
Tokyo, Japan

Irugi Shrine

A 17th-century Shinto shrine that is home to statues of Mickey Mouse and Pikachu.
Miyoshi, Japan

Yokai Yashiki (Monster and Stone Museum)

Hidden by the roadside in the Iya Valley, this gem brings together folk monsters and the region's unique geography.
Osaka, Japan


Japan's first automaton went missing, only to be revived by the Osaka Science Museum.
Tokyo, Japan

Jimbōchō Book Town

A bibliophile's heaven that contains hundreds of bookstores, offering over a third of secondhand books for sale in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Takehara, Japan


Japanese island famous for poison gas and fluffy bunnies.
Tokyo, Japan

Noumin Café

This “peasant café” in the middle of Tokyo re-creates the atmosphere of the Japanese countryside.
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan Building Staff Cafeteria

The tallest city hall in the world offers an excellent bento box.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokuon-ji Temple

This 14th-century temple is also known as the "Temple of the Golden Pavilion" for its gorgeous gilded reliquary hall.
Tokyo, Japan

Myth of Tomorrow

After being lost for decades, this striking mural depicting the atomic bomb covers the wall of a busy Tokyo metro station.
Osaka, Japan

Fudo Myo-o Statue

A moss-covered statue of a Japanese Buddhist deity stands at a quiet temple in downtown Osaka.
Osaka, Japan

Tavern Pachimon Wars

This bar is filled with Star Wars merchandise from around the world, all of it unlicensed knockoffs.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Scenic Railway

A train ride to the middle of nowhere gives its passengers some of the most iconic views of Japan's seasons.
Kyoto, Japan

Okazaki Shrine

The cutest shrine in Kyoto is dedicated to bunnies.
Tokyo, Japan

Museum of Kites

This tiny museum hidden above a restaurant houses thousands of modern and traditional kites.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.
Tokyo, Japan

Museum of Package Culture

Discover the past, present, and future of packaging in this unique Japanese museum.
Tokyo, Japan

Yanaka Cemetery

This sprawling scenic burial ground is the final resting place of Japan's last shogun.