nebhale's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Derbyshire, England

The Upper Derwent Reservoirs

This chain of artificial lakes was an ideal test ground for the aircraft that would carry the "bouncing bombs" used by the WWII "Dambusters" squad.
Washington, D.C.

National Cathedral Bell Tower

There’s a special club house at the top for the bell ringers.
Tielt-Winge, Belgium


The "stairway to heaven" lookout tower was built to resist weather, arson, and the laws of physics.
North Fort Myers, Florida

The Shell Factory

The largest retailer of seashells in the world.
Estacada, Oregon

Original Stash Tribute Plaque

A plaque commemorates the spot in the Oregon woods where the first-ever Geocache was hidden.
Santa Monica, California

Origami Intersections

Giant origami crease patterns engraved in Santa Monica intersections may even be visible from space.
Lucerne Valley, California

King Clone

A ring of creosote bushes that are estimated to be 11,700 years old.
La Habra Heights, California

The Hass Avocado Mother Tree

About 80% of all U.S. avocados are descendants of Rudolph Hass's glorious tree.

Trou de Fer (The Iron Hole)

At the center of an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean is a deep chasm ringed by tall waterfalls.
Larvik, Norway

The Rakke Compass

What might look like a cliffside sacrificial altar at first glance is actually a stone compass pointing to cities and lighthouses all around the world.
Khumjung, Nepal

The Yeti Scalp of Khumjung

A Himalayan monastery claims to have a piece of a centuries-old abominable snowman.
Verkhoyanskiy ulus, Russia

The Batagaika Crater

The giant Siberian crater known locally as the "doorway to the underworld" is expanding every year.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Ramps to Nowhere

Activists are fighting to preserve these unfinished highway ramps as a tribute to the citizen revolt that halted their construction decades ago.
Paris, France

WWII Bunker Under Gare de l'Est

A subterranean shelter remains intact under a busy Paris railway station.
Sisters, Oregon

Lost Lake

This lake in the Cascades lives up to its name, disappearing down a hole every spring.
Grímsey, Iceland

Grímsey Island

The Arctic Circle runs through this isolated spot north of Iceland.
San Simeon, California

Hearst Castle

The unbelievably opulent home built for an infamous newspaperman.
Reykjanes, Iceland


Iceland's largest geothermal mud pool is a little bit haunted and a little bit dangerous.
Eyam, England

Eyam Plague Village Museum

Eyam took steps to quarantine themselves and keep the plague from spreading.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stadsbiblioteket (Stockholm Public Library)

The library's graceful rotunda is like a bibliophile's temple.
Koror, Palau

Jellyfish Lake

An isolated dive site teeming with cnidarians.
Narusawa-mura, Japan

Narusawa Hyoketsu (Ice Cave)

A 70-foot-deep ice cave formed by lava from Mt. Fuji on the edge of Japan's "Suicide Forest." 
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.

South Pole Ice Tunnels

These passages carved from the Antarctic ice hold strange shrines to the harsh southernmost climes.