owenscr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dover, England

Blériot Memorial

A granite plane marks the site where a French aviator completed the first airplane flight across the English channel.
Aberdeen, Scotland

Russell Head

This effigy was crafted to annoy a neighbor after a civil dispute over a foul smell.
Helena, Montana

Canyon Ferry Lake's Cemetery Island

This cemetery is one of the last remaining traces of a drowned old Western town.
Surrey, England

Reigate Heath Windmill

The world's first consecrated windmill.
Isle of Islay, Scotland

Dunyvaig Castle

It's believed a castle existed at this site since the 12th century.
Germantown, Pennsylvania

The Funkite Cemetery

Hidden behind an empty field resides this early 19th-century cemetery.
Jonesport, Maine

Maine Coast Sardine History Museum

The whole of Maine's history with the salty little fish is packed into this tiny coastal museum.
Herndon, Virginia

Acetylene Gas Generating Station

The birthplace of the Herndon Gas Company.
Washington, D.C.

D.C.’s Floating Chandeliers

Mysterious installations bring levity and light to a sometimes stodgy city.
Budapest, Hungary

Air Defense Early Warning Listening Ears

A relic of World War I that now exist as a piece of public art.
Creston, South Dakota

Creston Dinosaur

A relic of roadside lore and perhaps the first of its kind in North America.
London, England

The Vincent Street Fireplace

A lasting remnant of The Blitz.
South Elgin, Illinois

Jon J. Duerr Forest Preserve Burial Site

The final resting place of two unknown soldiers.
Arlington, Virginia

Dawson-Bailey Spring Site

This site is believed to be connected to the oldest house in Arlington County.
Oyer, Norway

'Fakkelmannen' ('The Torchbearer')

This mountainside mural of a person carrying a torch was created for the 1994 Winter Olympics.
Warsaw, Virginia

Tom Rhodes Tree Carving Trail

A journey along this trail means indulging in a slice of nostalgia.
Franklin, Indiana

Nancy Kerlin Barnett Grave

A burial site located in the middle of a road.
Woolsey, Nevada

Lovelock Airmail Arrow

A surviving concrete arrow from a 1920s navigational network is preserved right off a modern freeway.
Gaithersburg, Maryland

DeSellum Family Cemetery

This small cemetery remains hidden behind a recreation center.
Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford Isle of Safety

The former location of a platform that allowed passengers to safely wait for the trolley.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Lindner Park and Nature Preserve

Historical structures and natural wonders await visitors to this preserve.
Dundee, Scotland

West Bell Street Car Park

A reportedly haunted parking structure with alleged links to Jack The Ripper.
Queens, New York

Riker-Lent-Smith Homestead

The oldest private residence in New York City.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Calvary Cathedral's Stained-Glass Windows

This 19th-century religious artwork was once highly controversial—because it was donated to the church by a divorcee.