owill4's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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West Hollywood, California

Redd Foxx Walk Of Fame

An informal walk of fame in front of a Hollywood office building remembers a comedic great and his associates.
Gardner, Massachusetts

Bicentennial Chair

In a town that's had a whole lot of giant chairs this one still stands tall, just not the tallest.
Joshua Tree, California

World Famous Crochet Museum

An old California photo stand has been turned into a shrine to the cozy art of crochet.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Fairbanks House

The oldest surviving wood-frame building in North America is still in the family.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Ax-Man Surplus

The Midwest's reigning king of surplus stores is full of nothing you need and everything you want.
Florence, Alabama

Frank Lloyd Wright-Rosenbaum House

This architectural triumph is the only Frank Lloyd Wright house in Alabama.
Middletown, Connecticut

Wild Bill's Nostalgia Store

A reliquary of pop culture marvels, including the world's largest (and most terrifying) Jack-in-the-Box.
Heath, Massachusetts

Burnt Hill Stone Circle

A mysterious collection of stones stand outside a small New England town.
Phoenix, Arizona

Curious Nature

In this small Phoenix taxidermy emporium, you can find everything from a squid in a jar to a freeze-dried toad.
New York, New York

The Ramble Cave

Hidden in Central Park's Ramble is a troublesome cave buried just beneath the surface.
Morristown, Tennessee

The 'Evil Dead' Cabin

All that's left of the quintessential "cabin in the woods."
Sudbury, Massachusetts

The Redstone Schoolhouse

This classic red schoolhouse is said to have been where Mary and her little lamb went to school.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Blue Ghost Fireflies

These eerie outliers of the lightning bug family glow a mysterious blue color.
Kawasaki, Japan

Anata No Warehouse

This faux-seedy Japanese arcade is made up to look like a maze of alleys straight out of a cyberpunk dystopia.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

John Brown's Fort

The last holdout of a pre-Civil War rebel who took the matter of slavery into his own hands.
Farmington, Connecticut

Hospital Rock

These etchings reveal the history of a long-gone quarantine site.
New York, New York

Keith Haring's 'Once Upon a Time' Bathroom Mural

A masterpiece of LGBT art has been restored in what may now be the most valuable restroom in America.
Poughkeepsie, New York

Hudson River State Hospital

This mouldering abandoned mental hospital was once a center for progressive healing.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Rebecca Nurse Homestead and Graveyard

This historic graveyard monument is dedicated to a tragic victim of witch trial hysteria.
Weatherly, Pennsylvania

Eckley Miners' Village

This eerily well-preserved coal town was saved from destruction by a Sean Connery movie.
Los Angeles, California

almighty Opp

A monthly street "service" of handmade puppets and live original puppets, whose devotees profess has the power to change lives.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old Franklin Park Zoo Bear Pens

The bears may be gone, but their old cages can still be found.
Washington, D.C.

East Potomac Park Mini Golf

The country's oldest continually-operated mini golf course lies hidden in plain sight, eclipsed by one of D.C.'s most popular tourist attractions.
Trenton, New Jersey

Old Barracks Museum

One of New Jersey's oldest surviving buildings still bears the mark of our former British overlords.