paper878's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Eaglehawk Neck, Australia

Eaglehawk Neck Tessellated Pavement

This extraordinary geological oddity resembles human-made pavement.
Luderitz, Namibia

Shark Island

This deceptively beautiful island was once home to a German concentration camp and known as "Death Island."
Madrid, Spain

Atocha Station Tropical Garden

A lush indoor jungle fills this bustling Madrid transportation hub.
Toledo, Washington

Gospodor Monument Park

These memorials built by an eccentric bachelor on the side of Interstate 5 cause both wonder and traffic accidents.
Whitehorse, Yukon

The World's Largest Weathervane, a DC-3

This decommissioned DC-3 now forever points into the oncoming wind.
Whitehorse, Yukon

Bicycle Wheel Dome

A spoke-tacular artwork constructed from recycled bicycle rims.

Shipwreck Lodge

Ten shipwreck-shaped chalets lie along the sand dunes on Namibia’s Skeleton Coast.
Phillips, Wisconsin

Fred Smith's Wisconsin Concrete Park

An oddly poignant roadside attraction celebrating American folklore.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Woodstock, New York

Woodstock School of Art Sculpture Garden

A peaceful international sculpture garden in upstate New York.
Detroit, Michigan

Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry

These enduring murals depicting a distinctly Marxist tribute to capitalism could not even be defeated by McCarthyism.
Detroit, Michigan

St. Agnes Church and School

This Detroit ruin was once a gothic bastion of its community, but now it stands as a haunting ruin.
Detroit, Michigan

Motown Museum

Berry Gordy Jr.'s old home was the original headquarters of Motown Record Corporation.
Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario

Pleasantville Curve

The roadway bend where highway painters practice their craft looks like expressionist art.
Cherrapunjee, India

The Root Bridges of Cherrapunji

Centuries-old bridges grown from tangled roots.
Cox's Bazar District, Bangladesh

Cox's Bazar Beach

One of the longest natural sand beaches in the world.
Isabela, Puerto Rico

Tunel de Guajataca

This former sugarcane transport tunnel is now a portal to a lovely beach.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

Cerro de Punta

The highest peak in Puerto Rico is home to a rare fern that can only be found on six trees at its summit.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Cueva Ventana

This limestone cave offers an incredible view of the Río Grande de Arecibo valley.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

El Cemi Museum

This niche museum devoted to ancient religious artifacts is shaped like the very thing it displays.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

Calle 25 de Enero

These red and black houses were awarded to the firefighters who saved their city from an enormous blaze.
Bjurholm, Sweden

Älgens Hus (The Moose House)

A Swedish farm is the world's only producer of the rare, creamy delicacy that is moose cheese.
Garden Grove, California

Christ Cathedral (Crystal Cathedral)

Megachurch turned Catholic church comprised of 10,000 glass panes.
Tustin, California

Tustin Blimp Hangar #2

This enormous World War II relic is one of the largest wooden structures in the world.