Dr Alan P Newman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dr Alan P Newman's activity rankings
Places visited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Places visited in Derbyshire, England
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Minnesota
Places visited in Shropshire, England
Places added to Utah
Places edited in Spain
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Palermo, Italy

Arabic Inscription of Palermo Cathedral

Why a column on the entrance is inscribed with a verse from the Quran is one of Sicily's many mysteries.
Palermo, Italy

Capuchin Monastery Catacombs

Thousands of well-dressed mummies below a monastery.
Florence, Italy

Platform 16 Holocaust Deportation Memorials

Memorials at a Florence railway station remember the citizens who were deported from Italy and sent to extermination camps.
Moira, England

Moira Furnace

This early 19th-century blast furnace only survived because it was a financial and technical failure.
Rome, Italy

Mussolini's Balcony

The spot where the fascist dictator made some of his most famous speeches including declaring war on Britain and France.
Selfoss, Iceland


A replica of the decorated wooden pillars Viking sailors threw overboard when finding new places to establish a settlement.
Minneapolis, Minnesota


One of two giant blue cockerel statues erected with an intentional double meaning.
Austin, Texas

The Sometimes Islands

Some islands... they come, they go, especially on Lake Travis.
Austin, Texas

Congress Bridge Bats

Home to the largest urban bat colony in North America, estimated at 1.5 million bats.
Burgos, Spain

Fadrique de Basilea Book Museum

A delightful museum devoted to the history of books.
Burgos, Spain

Arco de Santa María

The most elaborate of 12 medieval arched doorways to the old city of Burgos.
Burgos, Spain

Museum of Human Evolution

This remarkable museum sprung from one of the most important prehistoric archaeological sites in the world.
Puentedey, Spain

Natural Arch Bridge

A charming Spanish village sits atop this natural limestone overpass.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Dragonfly Mosaic

Thousands of people walk over this fantastic work of art every day, but how many notice it?
Saint Paul, Minnesota

The Story Stones

Each of these 87 large stones has a unique message. Together, they form part of the Minnesota Military Family Tribute.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Thorp Building Navy Guard Towers

During World War II the Thorp building was guarded by the OSS, FBI, and US Navy because of the top-secret bombsight being produced there.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

'Miracle on Ice' Statue

This statue of Olympic hockey coach Herb Brooks immortalizes one of the greatest moments in American sports history.
Sheffield, England

Hillsborough Stadium Disaster Memorials

Three memorials honor the victims of the worst sports stadium disaster in Britain.
Sheffield, England

Hillsborough Barracks

This commercial and retail center was crafted from walled military barracks.
Heckington, England

Heckington 8-Sail Windmill

The last working windmill in the U.K. that has eight sails.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Prospect Park Water Tower

This iconic water tower and failed bandstand is open for panoramic views once a year.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pillsbury A-Mill

This old residential building was once the largest flour mill in the world.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sculpture Clock

This 1960s kinetic artwork has been restored and is once again whirling away in downtown Minneapolis.
Sterling, Virginia

Dulles Airport Mobile Lounges

These unusual rooms on wheels are holdovers from the 1960s.