Dr Alan P Newman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dr Alan P Newman's activity rankings
Places visited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Places visited in Derbyshire, England
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Minnesota
Places visited in Shropshire, England
Places added to Utah
Places edited in Spain
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Oswiecim, Poland

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The former Nazi concentration camp stands as a museum to remember this dark chapter in European history.
Wieliczka, Poland

Wieliczka Salt Mine

An underground city of salt.
Valencia, Spain

Parque Gulliver

This massive fiberglass Gulliver turns every visitor into a Lilliputian.
Derbyshire, England

Blue John Cavern

Semi-precious Blue John stones have been mined in this cavern system for centuries.
Paleopoli, Greece

Samothrace Sanctuary of the Great Gods

Temple complex that once housed the famous statue of Nike.
Ironbridge, England

The Iron Bridge

This bridge is the first to be made entirely from iron, but designed like it was still made of wood.
Congleton, England

Little Moreton Hall

This logic-defying 16th-century Tudor manor still stands to the delight and astonishment of onlookers.
Nottinghamshire, England

Major Oak

The largest oak in England is said to have been the hideout of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.
Derby, England

Arbor Low Stone Circle

6000-year-old site covered in more than 50 megaliths.
Sheffield, England

Lodge Moor POW Camp Ruins

A brick foundation and piles of listing building materials are all that remains of this World War II POW camp.
Derbyshire, England

Chatsworth House

Seat of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire for centuries.
Norton, England

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet

A preserved 18th century steel factory.
Arkwright Town, England

Arkwright Town

When methane gas started seeping up from the ground, they picked up and moved the entire town.
Birkenhead, England


After mysteriously refusing to surrender at the end of World War II this sunken submarine was only salvaged in a search for Nazi gold.