Dr Alan P Newman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dr Alan P Newman's activity rankings
Places visited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Places visited in Derbyshire, England
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Minnesota
Places visited in Shropshire, England
Places added to Utah
Places edited in Spain
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Colombo, Sri Lanka

Gangaramaya Vihara Temple

Why is there a vintage Rolls Royce in this Buddhist temple?
Brownhills, England

"Jigger" the Brownhills Miner

A giant gleaming memorial named for a coal miner who gave his life to the pits.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Highlandman's Umbrella

Displaced highlanders would take shelter from the wet Scottish climate under the large walled bridge at Glasgow Central Station.
Stoney Stanton, England

Stoney Cove at the UK National Dive Centre

The site of the most dived wreck in the UK.
Epworth, England

Sandtoft Trolleybus Museum

The world's largest collection of preserved trolleybuses.
Northumberland, England

Northumberlandia: Lady of the North

A million and a half tons of earth were used to create one of the world's largest land sculptures.
Town End, England

Crich Tramway Village

A collection of early 19th century trams set in a reconstructed period village.
London, England

John Harrison's Marine Chronometers

The handiwork of a underdog clockmaker who solved an impossible problem for an Empire, and forever revolutionized seafaring.
Tibi, Spain

Tibi Dam (Pantano de Tibi)

Possibly the oldest masonry dam in all of Europe.
Derbyshire, England

Renishaw Hall

This lovely ancestral home inspired the author D.H. Lawrence, and features a tunnel made out of a living willow.
Cornwall, England

St Michael's Mount

A island reachable by a causeway at low tide is possibly one of the earliest Western European locations to be identified in text.
Newquay, England

The Island, Newquay

Sometimes an island, sometimes a rocky outcropping connected to the world by a tiny suspension bridge.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.
Whitby, England

Ruins of Whitby Abbey

The gloomy ruins that inspired Bram Stoker to bring Dracula to life.
Derbyshire, England

Horse-Powered Ore Crusher

These crude contraptions were used to aid in the mining of lead, silver and gold.
Sheffield, England

Bessemer Converter at Kelham Island Industrial Museum

One of the last remnants of the Bessemer process that revolutionized steel production during the industrial age.
Bolsover, England

Cundy House

This restored 17th century "conduit house," often mistaken for a watchtower, actually supplied water to nearby Bolsover Castle.
Hinte, Germany

Suurhusen Church

The Suurhusen church tower in Germany leans over farther than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Bremerhaven, Germany

Wilhelm Bauer

The only remaining U-boat that is still floating never actually saw any action in World War II.
Shireoaks, England

The Giant's Staircase at Chesterfield Canal

This centuries-old canal known as the Cuckoo Dyke has a staircase of locks suitable for a giant.
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka

Rajagiriya Marsh

This Colombo wetland is an unlikely wildlife haven just outside the capital city.
North Yorkshire, England

Gaping Gill

The largest cave chamber in Britain—big enough to fit a whole cathedral inside.
London, England

Speakers' Corner

London's last remaining public soapbox site has seen speeches from Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and George Orwell.
London, England

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Children's hospital in London that operates on royalties received from Peter Pan, which J.M. Barrie signed over in 1929.