Dr Alan P Newman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Places visited in Derbyshire, England
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Minnesota
Places visited in Shropshire, England
Places added to Utah
Places edited in Spain
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Sacramento, California

St. George Hotel Marker

Where the first "expert riders, willing to risk death daily" for the Pony Express were recruited.
Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain

Las Salinas of Puerto de Mazarrón

Abandoned tunnels dug for the once-thriving sea salt industry on the coast of southern Spain.
Folsom, California

The Folsom Powerhouse

This 19th century hydroelectric powerhouse was the first of its kind.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento Locomotive Works

This 19th century train workshop is a treasure trove of railroad history.
Sacramento, California

Samson Luggage Sculpture

Pillars made of 700 pieces of luggage climb to the ceiling of Sacramento Airport's baggage claim.
West Sacramento, California

I Street Bridge

I Street Bridge is the heaviest swinging center bridge in the United States.
Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain

Phoenician Ships of Mazarrón

Two 2,500-year-old Phoenician boats found on the coast of Spain, giving incredible insight into the ancient maritime traders.
Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain

Erosiones de Bolnuevo

An enchanting landscape of ancient sandstone structures eroded into otherworldly shapes.
Cartagena, Spain

National Museum of Underwater Archeology

An impressive display of ships and artifacts from the ancient Mediterranean maritime trade.
Hartlepool, England

Steetley Magnesite

Derelict chemical plant on the North Sea is a beautiful industrial ruin.
Rotherham, England

Keppel's Column

An oddly shaped tower built to mark the acquittal of Admiral Keppel in a controversial 1770s case.
Newport, Wales

Newport Transporter Bridge

The largest of only eight working transporter bridges left in the world.
Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Mackwoods Tea Plantation Sign

A Sri Lankan tea factory's ironic take on the Los Angeles landmark.
Derbyshire, England

Memorial to Tip the Faithful Sheepdog

The heroic tale of a remarkable pup who refused to leave her master's side, no matter what.
Portugalete, Spain

Vizcaya Bridge

Two towns are linked by an engineering marvel masquerading as a boring suspension bridge.
Paphos, Cyprus

The Mosaics of Paphos

The ancient mosaics here are considered among the finest in the world, and serve as a stunning record of Greco-Roman daily life.
Wentworth, England

Wentworth Woodhouse

The UK's largest private house was the subject of a long-lasting political dispute.
Leicester, England

Abbey Sewage Pumping Station

This former sewage pumping station is now a fascinating museum.
Whatstandwell, England

Leawood Pump House

Its impressive still-working beam engine is a thing of beauty for engineering history fans.
Whitby, England

Bram Stoker Memorial Seat

The view that inspired the scenes of Dracula's first landing in England.
Coventry, England

Coventry Cathedral Ruins

The bombed out remains of the old church were kept intact next to the new one, as a reminder of the futility of war.
Matlock Bath, England

Masson Mill

This historic textile mill has been repurposed as a shopping outlet, which houses a textile museum that celebrates its industrial past.
Cromford, England

Cromford Mill

The world's first successful water-powered cotton mill paved the way for the factories of the British Industrial Revolution.
Zakopane, Poland

Old Zakopane Cemetery

Polish luminaries and masterful folk art find sanctuary in this unique cemetery.